The story follows a half-demon Inuyasha who is freed from a 50-year curse by a modern-day schoolgirl named Kagome who is transported to feudal Japan. Together they must recover the shattered pieces of the powerful Shikon Jewel before it falls into the wrong hands. During their journey they ...
The virtual house of everything strange and scary in the world of movies and anime. Suppose you’re into the dark and weird genre, MidNight.Pulp has got you covered from cult Sci-fi to horror, and much more. You can watch anime online, and that is too free of cost unless you want...
Kinky Japan 50% of Japanese Couples seem to be sexless in their relationship March 20, 2024Comments Off It seems that every other week or so, we stumble upon yet another news story about sexlessness in Japan. And as to be expected, we not got the latest. As always,[…] ...
Here you'll find thousands and thousands of high-qualityanime picturegalleries - pics from hundreds of shows,manga, and video games! If you are searching for japanese galleries of scans, you'll be hard-pressed not to find it here! We've also got great 'How to Draw' pages, and a speci...
Release Date:April 19 (Japan), June 28 (USA) What It's About:This spin-off film explores how Nagi got involved in the Blue Lock project. He hates putting effort into things and finds just about everything annoying, but he’s more or less forced into playing soccer by his classmate Reo...
We got you covered! Cassi Dec 20, 2021 TV • Anime Looking Back on 1000 Episodes of ‘One Piece’ A reflection on what fans of the series, and the English language voice cast, have learned from 1000 episodes of 'One Piece'. Matt Acevedo Dec 18, 2021 Pokémon • Anime My ...
Ecchi is a popular genre of anime, so you had better believe that new ecchi are being made all the time. That especially goes for recently, when the ecchi i... Readmore Jet Nebula "The Seven Heavenly Virtues" English Dub Comes Down to HIDIVE ...
Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi (Dub) Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (Dub) Ninja Kamui (Dub) Ninja Kamui Chocosanji ADVERTISEMENTS ongoing series 3D Kanojo: Real Girl 2nd Season (Dub) Aikatsu Friends!: Kagayaki no Jewel Bakugan: Battle Planet (Dub) ...
I continued watching until I got sick of the stupid death flags in all the earlier episodes. Then I stumbled upon episode eight, and was happily rewarded for my sacrifice in time. Finally the grand cogs in the conspiracy slowly began revealing their oil-stained workings and I began thinking ...
Several potential awards contenders got off to strong starts in limited release. Yorgos Lanthimos’ warped fantasy “Poor Things,” starring Emma Stone, opened with $644,000 from nine theaters in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Austin, Texas. “Poor Things” expands ...