Almost like superheroes for young girls, the “magical girl” subgenre, unique to anime, features girls who fight off the forces of evil, gathering power by transforming into vibrant outfits. A dark series,Madoka Magicais infamous for turning magical girl conventions on their head, while focusing...
For the most part, the anime is fine and healthy. It avoids romantic subplots and other unnecessary annoyances, much to the chagrin of the ten-year-old girl in my head, and takes the sport to levels of seriousness where I actually felt like rooting for teams in this fictional sport. The...
lack of evidence, but it is certainly an angle worth approaching. Just where is the love? It’s time for a paradigm shift. There’s just too much negative energy going around, and I think it’s about time I change my stance. I am going to stop hating anime. It’s just so easy t...
but this is far from ideal. I’ve seen a few episodes ofInuyasha,Fullmetal Alchemist,Witch Hunter Robinand a bunch of other series. For the most part, this stuff just went over my head, probably because I was jumping into the middle of various series, and so I never really got...
If removing the head/destroying the brain works, why even bother targeting the heart? And the male lead saves himself from zombification by preventing the virus from entering his brain but A) why would the virus instantly disappear after like ten seconds instead of hiding out in his heart, B...
Bond … Goodhead, Goodhead … Bond. The “doctor” angle may be appropriate because Audino has been Nurse Joy’s assistant nurse. Other names I have used:“Dino”, and“Dean-O”– after the nickname for Dean Martin and other Italian singers.“Tin Ear”– after the early “funnel shaped...
“Sorry, Dad. Those references are way too old for me to get.” I’ve never related more strongly to a half-century-old salaryman than I did to this one in that moment – thankfully, he spends most of this premiere failing upwards in one of his daughter’s otome games, rather than...
head to raise money at a charity event to support people with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and their families on a university campus, and they showed that the robot’s contingent behavior increased the amount of money raised. These studies suggest that we should consider not only the ...
While this episode certainly had its normal amount of parody references, for the most part, this episode was a parody of Ryo-ohki fromTenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki, with Shanta-kun taking on that role. Ryo-ohki is a cabbit and Shanta-kun is a shantak. Both acquire young, female, humanoid form...
But when’s all said and done and we get a decent look at it (from numerous intimate close-up angles) I’m in agreement with Rei’s first impression: it’s nice. It’s a really nice new look! Despite the references made by her family, she looks a little more mature and serious,...