This week is the Futaba-Natsumi friendship origin episode, and I’mherefor it! They’re honestly such a wonderfully cozy pair of BFFs it didn’t matter if we didn’t witness them meet, but I’m so glad we did. Poor Futaba’s GPS is going haywire so she decides to follow someone in...
The name Lillie originates from "lily" as her white dress resembles the white petals of a lily flower as well as the name following the plant-based naming of characters. Skills Lillie using a Z-Move. Though she had a problem with touching Pokémon at first, Lillie compensates that proble...
Language has a cultural origin within itself. Words have meanings within their cultural context. Therefore every text type translated contains its own culture specific items that create difficulties for translators. Nuances and connotations of the Culture Specific Elements (CSEs) vary according to the t...
Hotaru brings the others to a shrine where she does a dance to the god of candy with a super-long gummi string, then breaking out a “Maken gummie” which comes in the form of a hand making one of the three rock-paper-scissors gestures. Tou learns another use for it is flipping a ...
This week is the Futaba-Natsumi friendship origin episode, and I’mherefor it! They’re honestly such a wonderfully cozy pair of BFFs it didn’t matter if we didn’t witness them meet, but I’m so glad we did. Poor Futaba’s GPS is going haywire so she decides to follow someone in...
Gundam the Origin: Clash at Loum's English Dub Trailers Streamed (14:53) Anime Spongebob Opening is Comedic Hyper-Violence (14:45) Children of the Whales Stage Play Gets New Showing in January (13:53) Tatami Galaxy's Yusuke Nakamura's Wonder Woman Drinks Tea & Takes Names (13:15...