While My Home Hero doesn’t always succeed, it does certainly try to keep a tense and dire atmosphere in every scene, even when it is just characters drinking coffee. Kaiji attempts a similar thing and does it a little more successfully since it leans into the main character being kind of...
Kyuutarou decides to teach her a lesson by mixing a very special ingredient in her coffee. After drinking it, Aya notices a different flavor, so Kyuutarou finally confesses that he added some cum to
Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the ova The Day That Guy Embraced Her.
随机选一个动画 Share ▼ View all characters Series ID108383 Media TypeWeb Toon TitleHe Does a Body Good English TitleHe Does a Body Good AliasesSweet Guy Romaji Title Furigana Titleからだにいい男 Japanese Titleカラダにイイ男 Japanese Studio NameLezhin Comics ...
beers of a similar style. The last time I had a had a Beer Geek Breakfast beer from them was Kopi Luwak Coffee brew. That one was aged in Cognac so the comparison is not fair. This one uses Dark Horse Coffee which sounds interesting. So let’s take a look and see how this one ...
Queen Chrysalis was used to pair with the Dark Horse Coffee used in the beer. Yes, she is from MLP but I think she fits with that aspect. Sources: http://i.imgur.com/GuyA1GY.jpg http://img1.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/full/Женские-мускулы-разное-Wii-Fit-...
not. “What’s next?” is a common question around the brewery- not an easy question to answer, but one thin’s for sure, we’re never going to stop pushing. This year’s art by Adam Martin looks to the past, the present, and the possibilities of the future. See you drinking. ...
If this is what gods are drinking up in the celestial cosmos, this is damn insane! Truly like a love potion. Lots of rich nutty, chocolate, coffee, dark fruit, banana, bourbon and other special complex flavors. Describing this one would be to describe none other than a Bourbon Barrel ...
Lingering complexities of the chocolate mocha coffee, waffle cone, bourbon vanilla, oak and roasted notes. No alcohol in the flavors, sipping yet damn smooth with a full body making this one of those beers that is dangerous since you want to keep drinking a lot of this, but just take your...
Well, maybe we can ask Kanade Katagiri about that. One day, she has a strange dream of a guy she can not see clearly. After that, Kanade decides to venture outside, where several handsome guys will be waiting to interact with her. ...