1. “GIF from ‘Kimi no Na wa’ (Your Name)”– https://gfycat.com/unfortunateunhealthyindochinesetiger 2. “GIF from ‘Koe no Katachi’ (A Silent Voice)”– https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7TKDZmOdZoHrMMF2/giphy.gif 3. “GIF from ‘Kizumonogatari’ (Wound Story)”– https://medi...
Before I leave this particular post, there is one more story that I think really gets to the heart of this genre.Gun-ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem o Tsukucchaimashita!?is if you couldn’t tell by the inclusion of the word in the title a harem ...
File 137612947067.gif - (89.63KB , 150x138 , DJ_MachineGunUpper.gif ) Do movies count as OVA? >> Anonymous 08/10/13(Sat)11:26 No. 16989 [Edit] Replies: >>16992 >>16993 >>16986 sometimes they get labeled as such yeah. I'm not really sure what the difference is between a ...
Bold and cool.And so was having the kid pull a gun on the cops. File173523169386.png- (470.16KB , 881x647 , No colour.png ) Anime in the past century, a journeyAnonymous12/26/24(Thu)08:48No.38632[Reply] [Edit] Around 11 months ago I decided to look through all the anime season...
The Topgun colab is nuts. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/771140461246021662/972998863843622953/InShot_20220508_134805300.mp4 >>Anonymous04/16/23(Sun)15:26No.37119[Edit] File168168401480.jpg- (142.75KB , 1154x649 , Ioroid_Uma_Musume_Pretty_Derby_-_Road_to_the_Top_-.jpg ) ...
released only due to public demand, sold out instantly and became a collectors item. An anime with production values so bad that the character designs have jpeg artefacts. That anime is Musashi Gundoh. One can only dream of another Musashi Gundoh, but nevertheless I hold on to that hope. ...
I might be jumping the gun a little, we’re just at episode 4 after all, and it’s still quite early. But for all of you who swear by the three-episode rule – what are you thinking right now? Yay or Nay? I kind of like it even… ...
One evening Otonashi wakes up in a strange place and a strange girl with a gun tells him he is dead. Trying to recruit him to her organization that rebels against God, Otonashi decides to talk to her enemy, a mysterious girl named Angel. After she kills him for being too literal, he ...
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