Odd Taxitells the story of a 41-year-old walrus taxi driver named Odokawa living in a world of talking anthropomorphic animals. When Odokawa inadvertently becomes the suspect in the disappearance of a young girl, he’s preyed upon by conniving yakuza and crooked cops eager to track the young...
Over 4K anime fans have voted on the 13 Best Monster Girl Anime Of All Time, Ranked. Current Top 3: Monster Musume: Everyday Life With Monster Girls, ...
A high school boy trying to escape a history of delusions meets a girl with a similar condition. Also ranks #2 on The Best Slice Of Life Anime On Netflix Also ranks #7 on The 15 Best Anime From Kyoto Animation, Ranked Also ranks #7 on The Best Bishoujo Anime 51 Inu X Boku Secret...
In a secluded corner of the school lies the gym storage room. There, Okada is on constant watch as the most beautiful girl in school is having sex with random guys. Every time Ruma wants to fuck someone, she signals to Okada to be her lookout…but something puzzles this lovely girl: Ok...
With how dense Naruto is and how long he held his childhood crush on Sakura, Hinata still came out on top and claimed her title as the best girl in the end. Just like I always knew she would ever since I saw her very first scene with Naruto. The ship was strong then! Even now in...
council in the high school with the highest moral standard, the Tokioka Academy. As her alter ego, Blue Snow, she prances around in a robe with nothing underneath, often getting naked in public. The degree of perversity and wickedness on this dirty girl make her one of our summer ...
Episode 882: Otaku in Another World with Level 2 Elf Powers VG Pulse 412: Farming Jokers Popcorn Pulse 233: China Girl Episode 881: The Uzumaki and His Maid Recent Comments Zohaib on Popcorn Pulse 166: Matrix Debt Wildfire on Manga Pulse 500 michael on Manga Pulse 506: Blame Tim wi...
1. Antifouling - nothing can stick doll body, easy to clean 2. Durable - you can use over and over again for a long time, not easy to be damaged 3. Lifelike - strictly in accordance with the correct scale molded into 4. Flexible - interface...
At school, Umaru Doma isan angelic girl with top gradesand excels in everything else. However, once she’s home, she turns into a junk food-addicted and soda-drinking, raging otaku. She keeps this side of herself a secret from her classmates and her brother Taihei usually gives into her...
and aims at entering a university while working alone in Tokyo. A girl is betrayed by her friends and doesn't know what to do. Another girl is abandoned by her parents, and tries to survive in the city by doing part-time jobs. This world lets us down all the time. Nothing goes as...