(ToTouma, about Othinus, from NT10): "I'm only gonna bother looking after the people in my cell phone's memory. But that person you have behind you might destroy everything in the world and kill off all of mankind. Among those six or seven billion are the few I know, so that's...
One day while on a job, they find a 4-year-old girl named Miri Unasaka. One thing leads to another and the two end up taking her in. I have some gripes with the show — Unasaka’s mom’s plot plays out in a strange, unexpected way — but it has its own charms. Mainly, you...
English Light is a bit more maniacal when he gives off that evil grin after a successful plan and it stayed consistent up to the final episode. Brad’s pants and wheezing were spot on and his final delivery revelation to Light’s former comrades was flawless. Final Thoughts In certain ...
“Part 2loosens up and charges forward with a maniacal glee – washing the world in theatrical arterial sprays and small intestines uncoiling in mile-long arcs.” “These three films are a singular artistic effort, the like of which, realistically, won’t be repeated for some time.” “Thi...