Once atop the roof, Ganta tells Isaki how he used to get anxious in crowds, but feels better tonight. When Isaki jokes that it must be because he has a cute girl in a yukata sitting next to him, he says she’s right, causing her to blush. They look into each others eyes just as...
As they run with everything they’ve got, they pass a number of people who reflect their past, present, and future. Two childhood friends, a boy and a girl; a young couple, a couple getting married, having kids, and finally, at the top (where the two tie, of course), and old el...
committed suicide. He’d once seen the girl, Ayano, crying in class after school and didn’t approach her to see what was wrong, even though she’d helped him out multiple times before. When she died, he blamed himself and became a hikikomori, believing that he deserves to rot away. ...
the children must undergo a rite of passage. A young girl named Chun goes to the human world with the other children who take the form of red dolphins. When she becomes caught in a net, a young human boy drowns trying to save for. Chun’s desire to bring the boy back to life at ...
and regrets destroying it. Her journey as a magical girl began when she rescued a drowning kitty, only to fall into the water herself. Rather than dying, she was met by a bright light and a benevolent voice, that made her into a magical girl and gave her the mission to free humanity ...
Jiji transfers into Momo’s class, and every girl is as smitten with him (and every guy finds him thoroughly annoying). Momo must grit her teeth and bear it as he tells the whole class they’re living together and in a “partially approved relationship.” ...
that instead of talking she need only write everything down. Komi does a bang-up job, and then reveals she knew Inaka was Inaka all along in a sweet note hoping they’ll have a fun new year together. Needless to say, Komi doesn’t mind in the least that Inaka is a country girl!
That was ten years ago, and Claire initially mistook Manaria for a boy. But once she learned she was a girl, her love and admiration for her didn’t change in the slightest. That’s because Manaria is perfect at pretty much everything, from academics to arts to athletics. ...
That, in turn, leads Haruka to lose her temper, since Akira has made it almost impossible to talk to her about anything anymore. With a few words that probably weren’t meant to cut as deeply as they do, Akira has Haruka running home crying. Those words?“We can’t go back to how...