[img]http://i.gyazo.com/5231400806a3019db5cfe35712d3fc95.gif[img] Still, Kato best girl. And that date was way too cute. 10/10 would confess to Utaha gets her own episode next week. So can't wait for that. Sucks that the cousin you saw at episode 00 won't be out till episo...
Gifuu Doudou is a totemo kawaii manga by mai idoruu Tetsuo Hara-sensei-dono-kun, the mangaka who made the suuuuu~goku kawaii Fist of the North Hoshi. It sure does show in those sexushii character designs. That bishie on the right has eyes that’s making my heart go doki doki~! I...
While there were supposed to be elements in The End of Evangelion where Anno was giving the middle finger to critics, they were not real obvious. The movie certainly pulls you in, but once I had seen it and got to thinking about it I did have problems with it. However, I didn't fin...