Armed with a sentient sailor uniform named Senketsu that grants her incredible powers, Ryuko faces off against Satsuki's fearsome Elite Four and uncovers startling secrets about her own past. As the stakes rise, Ryuko must confront her personal demons, forge new alliances, and overthrow Satsuki's...
It's always awesome to seetwo anime characters- or two groups ofanime characters- join forces. Each side brings their own strength to the table, but there's also a ton of potential for conflict. With that in mind, we're counting down some of the greatest anime alliances in...
Like so many other characters, we don’t get to see her a lot, but her part of this ensemble cast is a good reason to give Druaga a chance. Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk PV 7.Len from Carnival Phantasm Episodes: 12 Aired: August 2011 - December 2011 Carnival Phantasm is one ...
Armed with this knowledge, he embarks on a magical adventure to strange lands where he’ll encounter a host of characters and mysteries from his past. While the story mostly centers on the hero’s journey, players also spend time with their party, honing skills, and crafting new equipment....
NEWS: 2019 Yaoi Anime 2018 has staggered to a close, and pushed newborn 2019 straight out into the traffic in its rush. We live in a confusing time. Amidst political discord threatening upheaval of democratic values around the globe and impending environmental doom, it’s hard to say what ...
Of the 143675 characters on Anime Characters Database, 1 are from the h-game Momojiri Instructor Netori Lesson ~Kyouei Mizugi de Ero Zanmai~.
Saeko is among the most reliable of the group. Everyone can count on her combat skills to pull them through a tough spot if need be. Four years prior to the start of the story, a man had attempted to assault her. Armed with her bokken, she easily disposed of the would-be assailant,...
Identify and discover animated characters through our visual search; mini-games, quotes, cosplay and more! Claim an anime girl as your waifu.
example of a work of anime from people who were anime, fans. It was a passion project, and not this season's giant robot show mandated to sell to a specific market. As a result, from start to finish, Gunbuster has the hallmarks of anime driven by, as Gunbuster's characters would put...
ClassicaLoid Anime's 2nd Season Reveals New Characters, New Staff (06:35) Aniplus Asia to Simulcast Tsuredure Children, Katsugeki! Tōken Ranbu Anime (05:40) Chio-chan no Tsūgakuro Manga Gets Anime Adaptation (05:15) Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun Anime Casts Daiki Hamano, Michiko Neya,...