《Anime City3D中文版》这款游戏玩起来比较自由开放,可以控制少女做任何事情。在游戏中,玩家将模拟一个定制的漂亮女孩的角色,亲身体验日本高中生活的点点滴滴。在这里,你可以参加日常课程,放学后加入兴趣小组,探索各种有趣的场景和操场,或在超市和自动售货机购物,各种刺激的活动等着你去体验。玩家可以与游戏中的多个...
Anime City reinvents classic visual novel mechanics by transferring them into full 3D environment. Study at anime high school, engage in after school clubs, and interact with your classmates.
The game is set in virtual 3D Tokyo and focused on anime and otaku culture. After being transferred to a new school, you have a goal of getting new friends, exploring the city together during various activities. This is a school and friendship simulator game, combining gameplay of visual nov...
Fully modular and super kawaii, anime city environment set! This stylized city, set in the near future, is a simple yet effective environment that will look good on any platform and at any time of the day. Will it be an FPS or RPG game, this asset pack will fit in really great. Use...
The game is set in virtual 3D Tokyo and focused on anime and otaku culture. After being transferred to a new school, you have a goal of getting new friends, exploring the city together during various activities. This is a school and friendship simulator game, combining gameplay of visual nov...
《Anime City 3D》游戏特色: 1.画面和内容都非常完美,具有许多特色的交互玩法,可以继续在游戏中自由进行; 2.解锁新的剧情,开始游戏中的互动,探索这个神秘的世界,并发现各种隐藏的线索; 3.除了避开各种危险区域外,玩家还需要更加灵活地使用技能来应对各种挑战。
daz studio模型下载 场景,动漫-XI动漫城街 - XI Anime City Street。 简介:受日本街道和许多动漫系列的启发,动漫城街是一种风格化的亚洲街道环境。该套件附带预加载子集和针对白天和夜间版本的分层材质预设。它有 29 个独特的道具,其中不包括建筑物、房屋和商店。产
3D高清卫星街景地图 45.29MB 查看 动漫都市3D中文内购破解版(anime city 3d)是一款好玩的校园题材角色扮演手游,校园之中美少女的日常等你来体验,丰富的活动让你可以尽情和少女互动哦,甜蜜浪漫的互动模拟增添了游戏的乐趣,在超市之中购买各种物品,自由装扮你的少女哦,还有趣味抓娃娃模拟哦! 动漫都市3d破解版特色 1、...
anime city 3d游戏简介 动漫都市3D中文内购破解版(anime city 3d)是一款好玩的校园题材角色扮演手游,校园之中美少女的日常等你来体验,丰富的活动让你可以尽情和少女互动哦,甜蜜浪漫的互动模拟增添了游戏的乐趣,在超市之中购买各种物品,自由装扮你的少女哦,还有趣味抓娃娃模拟哦! 动漫都市3d破解版特色 1、游戏中动漫...
少女都市,一般又称anime city 3d,少女都市3d,少女都市模拟器,Anime City。 《少女都市3D》是一款3D风格的都市模拟恋爱游戏。游戏中,玩家将遇到各种都市少女,你能自由的进行地图探索,与她们进行趣味的互动,还能与她们约会哦。 少女都市下载安装失败或使用异常,请 -> 一键举报猜...