Same-sex relationships have been a part of anime stories for a long time. In most shows, we can find one or two characters of the same sex who are in love with each other. Sometimes their portrayal is quite realistic or interesting while other times they are usually used for comic purpos...
For the most part, ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ is afantasy shounenthat revolves around a group of heroes known as “the Sins.” But apart from all of its action, the anime is also known for its deep characters and their relationships. One memorable relationship that is portrayed in the anim...
A well-known example of this phenomenon can be seen in Hansel and Gretel, a pair of twin child soldiers from the animeBlack Lagoon. These characters have a dissociative identity disorder that causes them to switch identities sometimes. Whether this depiction of dissociation is true to life is u...
Here are just a few characters that I relate to, and characters that I think portray what it’s like to live within this often dark world. I have done my best to explain how the subjects of anime and mental illness relate. The following character analysis contains spoi...
IMO, anime is best when watched in Japanese with English subtitles, as the voices match the characters and their emotions much better. Jim Top The Mastiff Member Posts: 6012 Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:53 am Location: raleigh nc Re: Anime Post by The Mas...
Some games like Fallen Doll, ChatHouse 3D, VR Kanojo, Custom Maid, and Honey Select allow you to experience virtual sexual intercourse with custom characters of your preference. They may get redundant after a while though. The only upside about anime porn is that you can realize your wildest ...
Accepting compliments is something many people with Social Anxiety Disorder have a problem with; because we feel so worthless and disgusted with ourselves, we believe that compliments from other people are either them sizing us up, pitying us or mocking us. Hitori wants to be a happy person and...
I’m not sure what’s going on with Kuji, but Enta explicitly states to his sister that the contents of his box are for Kazuki, and it seems like the contents are representative of romantic feelings. There seems to be a lot of anxiety between the three main characters regarding the secre...
That being said, other dubs probably made use of different accents as well to distinguish characters. I think it's action-y, funny, and kind of sweet since it does deal with immortality and the price of it. Also, it has great music. Beelzebub - A comedy-action anime. It's about a ...
ve said enough in the past about how deliberately opaque the show with regards to its characters, but the advantage to telling stories about families, even when you’re not sure who’s who and how they’re related, is that our personal experiences with our own families make them universally...