Also ranks #5 on 20+ Anime Characters With The Best Character Development 8 Allen Walker 3,945 votes As an Exorcist, Allen combats malevolent beings known as Akuma to protect humanity and ultimately eradicate their creator, the Millennium Earl. His innocence manifests as a cursed arm and eye...
Dig Deeper The Best ‘Your Lie In April’ Characters, Ranked Also ranks #1 on 16 Anime With Bittersweet Endings Also ranks #1 on The Best Music Anime Of All Time, Ranked 8 Yona of the Dawn 2014 23,781 votes Yona of the Dawn is a great option for those of us who aren't necessarily...
whose style of art and design of characters breathtakingly displayed human emotions and expressions through the bold, big and vivid design of the human eye.However, there are many exceptions to the conventional
Despite the age difference between the characters being problematic, "The Garden of Words" approaches this maturely, and while there are obvious romantic intentions from Takao, what we mostly see are two people connecting at a point in their lives when they need it the most.15. From Up on ...
It deals with serious topics, showing how life changes through the years and how things can't always stay the same. Throughout the show, we witness the characters' growth, and their ups and downs as they try to live their lives happily. Hachimitsu to Clover is a wonderful josei anime; ...
It focuses on Inuyasha and Kagome's daughter, Moroha including Sesshōmaru's twin daughters, Towa and Setsuna. Rumiko Takahashi designed the main characters, but she is not responsible for the story or writing. It will air on October 3, 2020. The series is directed by Teruo Sato with the ...
Also, I take it the movie took liberties with these characters, as neither of the male vampires had cropped hair. I mean, no big deal, just an observation. Introducing Laurent, Victoria, and James. They seriously just want to play baseball and make friends. And Carlisle steps forward to ...
Masaaki Yuasa’s Inu-Oh depicts two nobodies caught up in a scheme way, way over their heads, two characters literally sifting through the wreckage of a war that ended many generations in the past, but with scars that have yet to heal. Much as Akira’s biker-boys were drawn into a ...
Like in real life, there are various personalities associated with different characters which make anime seems more relatable to the audience. This is because artists often based a character's personality based on a person they know in real life! While s
Yuuta claims discomfort, while Ayase is currently mired in an unpleasant feeling she’s identified as “jealousy”. And so these two continue their ever-so-delicate dance, and we get one of the rarest of things: anime charactersdecliningto participate in a potential future pool episode!