comedic stories separate from the main plot. These adventures showcase exaggerated aspects of the characters and their relationships, as well as incorporating over-the-top action and humor. With a more light-hearted approach to the dark themes and intense violence of the original series, the spec...
The Best Anime Deuteragonists Best Anime Side Characters The 100+ Greatest Anime Characters Of All Time The Greatest Shonen Heroines Best Supporting Protagonists In Anime Shonen MCs With Sad Backstories Their Very Own Worst Enemies The Greatest Anime VillainsPhoto...
11 Cute Anime Shows That Are Actually HorrifyingDon't let the bubbly characters and flowery names fool you, these shows are straight-up devastating.0 Akira 4K Blu-Ray Steelbook Edition Revealed - Preorder The Anime Classic At Amazon 1 Cowboy Bebop: The Complete Series On Blu-Ray Is Only ...
You like underdog main characters You like anime with many characters You like characters with supernatural abilities 14. Demon Slayer Image View Gallery Tanjirou's main goal is to bring back his sister's humanity but doing so won't be easy. Tanjirou Kamado has been the breadwinner of his fa...
While it wants to be compared with the Souls games, Code Vein is a lot more approachable, as well as being different stylistically. Unlike the quiet, dark atmosphere of Dark Souls, it feels like a shonen anime—the kind where characters solve a lot of problems via fast-paced, acrobatic co...
This is the part of the hive where our individual pages on anime live. Find seiyuu, genres, staff, stories, PVs, characters and more! Your one stop shop for all the information on a show. Items Filled with all of those little anime-related items that make our hearts swoon and our wall...
I thought… I thought you just said her hair was red. Red and orange may be similar, but they’re not the same color. Also, I take it the movie took liberties with these characters, as neither of the male vampires had cropped hair. I mean, no big deal, just an observation. ...
Stay up all night withInsomniacs After School by Bob Johnson The three lead characters: Isaki, Ganta, and the Night Sky Have you ever sat up all night contemplating that the weight of the universe is coming down on you, personally?Sadboy Ganta Nakami has.Living in Nanao and drowsing throu...
Over the decades, the number of fantastical stories starring female characters has slowly but significantly risen. As that number has gone up, so too have the number of lady action heroes. Girls and women are no longer relegated to the roles of “white mage” or “brainiac”; they can slin...
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