Another surprising place where mental illness arises is in Osamu Tezuka’sBuddha, a manga adaptation of the Buddha’s life and times. In this manga, Siddhartha, the man who ultimately became the Buddha, shows a number of signs associated with depression. When he’s a child other characters c...
In this movie the franchise's characters Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa have graduated from high school and are now faces with the struggles of the real world. Deciding to stay together as a couple, the two of them must navigate life as they grow up together and develop their ...
Dig Deeper Some Artists Drew All Of 'Akira' With 'The Simpsons' Characters, And It's Amazing Also ranks #1 on 15 Random Facts About Anime That Might Just Blow Your Mind Also ranks #3 on The Greatest Animated Sci Fi Movies 13 Whisper of the Heart 1,819 votes Based on the manga with...
Death Parade is a unique anime that tests the psychology of its characters. Each episode brings in people who are presented with a cruel and unforgiving situation. It literally forces people to play a game for their lives against people they love or people who are complete strangers. Just imag...
Kotomi, like many characters in Clannad, is excellently animated. Special care seems to be given to her movements compared with other characters. Kotomi’s movements are somewhat sluggish, like she’s some moe sloth. One example that really stands out to me is the scene where Tomoya approaches...
- unlike Alice inspired characters, Kagome is not a magical girl and must use her intellect and willing to work with her partner in order to succeed her quest. - The jewel has the power to turn people into demons and amplify demonic powers. It was shattered into a hundred pieces to ...
Piano prodigy Kousei Arima had a mental breakdown after his mother died and cannot hear his piano. Dig Deeper The Best ‘Your Lie In April’ Characters, Ranked Also ranks #1 on 16 Anime With Bittersweet Endings Also ranks #1 on The Best Music Anime Of All Time, Ranked load moreFiled...
In the world of Fruits Basket, god is extremely personal - in fact, they're the main characters' cousin. Akito Sohma is literally God, but only to the members of the Sohma family, who are bound together by a curse that causes them to transform into the animals from the Chinese Zo...
Piano prodigy Kousei Arima had a mental breakdown after his mother died and cannot hear his piano. Dig Deeper The Best ‘Your Lie In April’ Characters, Ranked Also ranks #1 on 16 Anime With Bittersweet Endings Also ranks #1 on The Best Music Anime Of All Time, Ranked 41 Sword Ar...
Also ranks #1 on 20 Anime With Strong Female Characters Also ranks #1 on The Most Underrated Animated Movies From The '90s Also ranks #2 on 15 Anime Where Humans Are The Real Monsters 5 Howl's Moving Castle 6,533 votes A young girl is forced to toil in her parents' hat ...