The series is directed by Teruo Sato with the screenplay by Katsuyuki Sumisawa, animation character design by Yoshihito Hishinuma, and music from Kaoru Wada. The animation production is by SUNRISE. Katsuyuki Sumisawa is in charge of the series scripts after doing the same for Inuyasha and ...
Another easy costume to make, Mina’s defining features of her looks are her pinkish skin, unkempt pink hair and yellow horns. Outside of the school uniform, Mina is often seen with a purple tank top and hot pants. Imitating Mina’s eyes may be difficult, but overall it shouldn’t matt...
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Character: kamado nezuko Package contains: wig + free cap + pink ribbon Buy On Amazon AKStore Wigs 32 80cm Long Straight Anime Fashion Women's Cosplay Wig With Free Wig Cap(Black) The high-quality, heat resistant, 100% japanese kanekalon fibers make the hair shiny, natural, and soft to ...
Actors wear costumes accurate to the original manga, with colorful hairstyles to match; minor character Merry still inexplicably has ram horns sticking out of his head. In one fun visual touch, several of the villainous pirates are introduced by their wanted posters fluttering briefly onto screen....
Customize: You can customize the characters with accessories. Special: You can view the mangas and animes of every anime and manga series. Options: Restart the game, Gallery, BGM, among other things can be found here. Characters Starter Characters Character Series Description Goku Dragon Ball ...
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geas) There's always that one iconic anime character in every few series that really strikes the top character list, and they often times will share one thing in common; black hair. One almost might mistake this list for top male
One night, at a ramen stand, he meets a strange character with an eggplant shaped head, who referred to himself as the god of matrimony. This encounter leads him to ponder upon his first two years of university, most of which he spent with his friend Ozu bitterly breaking up couples....
Van decides to turn what was supposed to be a fight with bronze swords into a free-for-all by casting lightning on Red, which shatters his sword, and has him at the edge of being KO’d. But Red is playing dead, allowing Van to come in and use his Healing Hands: Reflect, at which...
He has a strong sense of justice and if there is something unforgivable, he will always rise up against it. Shuna: Sayaka Senbongi Shuna is the younger sister of Benimaru and the princess of the Ogres. She has light pink hair and porcelain white horns. She is not only blessed wit...