Also ranks #5 on 20+ Anime Characters With The Best Character Development 8 Allen Walker 3,945 votes As an Exorcist, Allen combats malevolent beings known as Akuma to protect humanity and ultimately eradicate their creator, the Millennium Earl. His innocence manifests as a cursed arm and eye...
Also ranks #5 on 20+ Anime Characters With The Best Character Development 8 Allen Walker 3,945 votes As an Exorcist, Allen combats malevolent beings known as Akuma to protect humanity and ultimately eradicate their creator, the Millennium Earl. His innocence manifests as a cursed arm and eye...
Juzo looks like he's been through some hell, let's put it at that. His beard is long, gangly and white, in a way that even if it weren't white, it still wouldn't fit on a younger character. Older men often look even more distinguished with longer facial hair as it is kind of ...
Hiroto Honda (or Tristan Taylor in western version) is known for his long brown coat with raised collar and white dress shirt. This not-so-social character from Yu-Gi-On is also known for his brown hair in very distinct spike. With time we do notice the change in Honda’s earlier disp...
If an inheritor possessed two or more Titan powers, it appeared that one of them would take precedence over the others.Eren Jaegerhad both the 13 mFounding Titanand the 15 mAttack Titan, but his Titan form was 15 m. Even once Eren took the War Hammer Titan, and it merged with his At...
So they ended up with less of an infodump and more of a vaguenessdump, managing to have the spooky conspirator character talk and talk for several minutes just to explain “you guys share each other’s pain, for reasons”. In between those two halves there was a brief disco hospital ...
#5. Gou Koga from Bleach Gou Koga has a great hairstyle associated with a stylish beard. The Mohawk and colorful hair look awesome with his angry look.
The character responsible for making this scene a possibility at all is generally regarded as one of the most hated anime characters and naturally so – we don’t like people who play mix-and-match with the bodies of their family members and pets! The scene where Nina and Alexander’s ...
Lysandre is a pale man, with muscular build, blue eyes and pointed red hair connected to his beard. Lysandre wears a black suit, lined in red with a fluffy gray collar and black dress shoes. He also wears a pair of black fingerless gloves, as well as having a Mega Ring on his left...
Also ranks #5 on20+ Anime Characters With The Best Character Development 8 Allen Walker 3,945 votes As an Exorcist, Allen combats malevolent beings known as Akuma to protect humanity and ultimately eradicate their creator, the Millennium Earl. His innocence manifests as a cursed arm and eye,...