‘Ling Qi’ follows a young adult named You Keika who dies tragically after his encounter with Tanmou Kei, the highest-ranking exorcist family in China. Eventually, Kei decides to make You his spirit shadow for protection and offers to keep him safe against humans. This marks the beginning o...
Note a Missing Character Similar You might also like Same Tags Same Season Similar Series Extra Top 5 of Summer 1998 1998Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter1998 on Title TrackerTop 25 from 19981998 by Votes1998 by Watching1998 by Favs1998 Characters ...
Shadow quiz game is a simple, addicting game where you try to guess famous characters or title from cartoons, movies, anime and more, using only shadows and sil…
The best anime movies of all time bring together storytelling styles, character arcs, and visual journeys that set them apart. These films excel not just because of the animation but also through their plots and characters. Often, the themes explored touch on universal human experiences, making ...
The anime’s official site ishttps://shadow-garden.jp/ Kami no Tou: Ouji no Kikan (Tower of God: Return of the Prince) OP-ED Single [“RISE UP” / “BELIEVE” by NiziU] has been uploaded for you to enjoy. NiziU’s official site ishttps://niziu.com/s/n123/?ima=0623 ...
Shadow Joker Hachi CV: Yumiko Kobayashi 0 Missing Characters Note a Missing Character Similar You might also like Same Tags Same Season Similar Series Extra 0000 Top 5 of Fall 2014 2014Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter2014 on Title TrackerTop 25 from 20142014 by Votes2014 by Watching2014 by Favs2014 ...
Although the character's names are obviously related to the series, it was unclear if the story was part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. However, when the series moved to Ultra Jump in 2004, it was officially announced as part 7 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but in an alternate universe, ...
Therefore the movie about the Monkey King himself is somewhat similar to Goku from Dragonball, as we are introduced to a character who possesses incredible powers yet has the temperament of a child with few things that can keep him in check. However, throughout the movie we eventually see ...
They have good chemistry, and Tomari is shaping up to be a decent new character. Kanon's departure from Liella has also enabled the other characters to step out of her shadow, with the third episode doing a particularly great job of rehabilitating them. The music has been good as always....
A classy and suave yakuza leader meets the bear of a bodyguard fresh from prison makes for a good case of character-driven storytelling. Twittering Birds Never Fly, while appearing like an inappropriate title at first, is actually a sad summary of the events that shaped them and the fact tha...