Body Transfer TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Main CharacterKenichi Aoshima (青島 健一 (あおしま けんいち))SupportingYoshimi Kurahashi (倉橋 淑美 (くらはし よしみ))Hikaru Sakajou (坂条 ひかる (さかじょう ひかる))Miho Akiyama ( 秋山 美帆 (あきやま みほ))...
Anime Characters Database The visual search engine for animated characters. We index characters by eye color, hair color, hair length, age, gender, and animal ears. Visual Search |Desktop Series Finder Characters14414657 this month Titles1411010 this month ...
The main character Saya, is a fierce hunter girl, who is after odd creatures called chiropterans. As the name suggests, they are bat-like beings. In the year 1966 Saya is tasked with a mission that takes her to the USA. Next to the Yokota Air Base she has to pose as a high school...
I am really happy with how her faceup / wig / eyes interact color-wise. It really is a good pairing and is pretty true to the original character she is modeled after, created by the artistSyroh. His artwork has been a favorite of mine for years and you may already know this from my...
I evaluated Anime-Planet, which provides free online anime streaming. I could access over 45,000 anime episodes. It lets you craft your ultimate anime list, connect with the passionate community, and engage in forum discussions. Moreover, I could discover character rankings and personalize my exp...
Monkey D. Luffy,often known as “Straw Hat Luffy” or “Straw Hat,” is the main character in the manga and anime series One Piece. He is the founder and captain of the well-known and formidable pirate crew, as well as one of the top four warriors of the “Straw Hat” gang. ...
9 Character Art Designs 9.1 Design evolution 9.2 Gallery10 Trivia11 See also12 Quotes13 ReferencesAppearanceAccelerator appears as a skinny teenager and has pale skin, moppy white hair and red eyes. This is caused by his ability, as it blocks ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing his body from...
Manga is a traditional graphic novel medium that originated in Japan in the late 19th Century. Noted for its striking visual style and strong emphasis on character and expression, the medium is now a widely-read and celebrated storytelling medium that has influenced creators all over the world. ...
Ever the reluctant fighter, Vash was a living contradiction. He's gifted with superhuman fighting abilities, but also a superhuman capacity for compassion and kindness. He's a character who suffered countless scars and wounds to his own body to protect others, even the very villains he was try...
Specifications: Name: Anime Figure Prize Miku BiCute White Bunnies Ver. Action Furyu Japanese Collectible Model Toys ACG Character: Miku Material: High-quality PVC Recommend Age: Suitable for individuals aged 14 years and above Theme: Movie & TV Proportion: 1/6 scale Completion Degree: Finished Go...