Kyoko Hori is your typical popular high school girl, excelling in academics and social life. On the other hand, Izumi Miyamura is a quiet, introverted boy who hides his true colorful appearance behind glasses and a plain demeanor. Both have secrets they wish to keep hidden from their classmate...
This boy is dancing while his eyes are closed A performing anime boy band A cool anime dance This anime couple does the one of the most famous dance today Anime girl with some hip hop dance moves This anime girl is swinging his hips to the beat This anime couple is recording their dance...
Note:As one of the main characters in this anime, Ikuo Tsukiyomi is a teenage boy with a tiny catboy guardian named Yuro and the ability to transform into a Black Lynx. During character transformation, Ikuo grows a pair of cat ears and a tail, and gains cat-like reflexes and moves. H...
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But because they're always squabbling in a way their teachers and classmates find amusing, they're looked at as a comedy duo. The fact that Otani is shorter than the average boy and Risa is taller than the average girl doesn't make them less amusing to the people around them, either....
Fifteen years after an unprecedented disaster completely uprooted modern civilization and set it back by hundreds of years, a boy named Maru sets out to find heaven in the unforgiving world with the assistance of Kiruko, who eventually becomes a dear friend to him. Meanwhile, a group of childr...
Humans, gods, and demons coexist together in the world of SHUFFLE!. Our main character Tsuchimi Rin is your normal high school boy doing normal things was surprised to see the kings from the god and demon realms moved in into Rin’s neighborhood. It appears the daughter of the realm of ...
and it appears that nothing can shake their unbreakable bond. But when they are out on a group date one evening, and their boyfriends are distracted, Hotaru suddenly starts rubbing Yuma’s high, much to the latter’s shock. Okazaki quickly moves to the restroom to process the strange incid...
Landing herself the position of a land god as well as a foxy boy, she tries to use her position in order to unite yokai and humans. She even catfished her friend in that pursuit. Nanami is very stubborn and is the type that would rather die than beg for help, making her interaction...
9. Kono Danshi, Ningyo Hiroimashita (This Boy Caught a Merman) Buy now Episodes: 1 Aired: November 2012 Shima has dealt with a lot in his life, and when his grandfather who was raising him dies, Shima continues to close himself off from the world. While walking along a cliff over the...