many shows feature anime boys who look like girls. In these cartoon worlds,guy anime characterssport delicate looks and features that you could easily confuse them for women and can appear in various shows ranging from the typical slice-of-life anime to the action-adventure stories of shonen an...
Yaoi - more commonly known now as BL anime (boys love) - is a genre within anime and manga that features romantic relationships between male characters. Simply put, it's the male equivalent ofyuri anime. Some of these titles fall into theshonen-ai animegenre, while others are more explicit...
his dynamics with Naoe take an unexpected turn. ‘Mirage of Blaze’ or ‘Honoo no Mirage’ is an exciting Boys Love anime with supernatural elements that fans of the genre will
If you loved shows likeGabriel DropOut,Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?,Kiniro Mosaic, orNew Game! Here, you can find shows full of what you love: women and women alone!
A kiss is always more than just a kiss and in this list of top 10 anime boys kissing scenes, we’ll examine some of the best anime has to offer. 10. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Movie: Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai Buy now Episodes: 1 Aired: March 2014 Yokozawa has never had luck when it comes...
kinds of romantic affairs through a number of well-developed characters. Viewers become familiar with two friends whose feelings for each other change dramatically as they approach adolescence, the wedding of an ex, and an unexpected romantic affair at an all-boys school. You can watch the film...
Bolt was sent from New York City to Hollywood by mistake. He was wrongly hired as the star of his television show when he arrived. 8. Ichigo For boys, this is the most common name. It means “strawberry” and is of Japanese origin. In the anime and manga series, Bleach, Ichigo ...
Take a break from sad tragic stories and overtly mature themes. This BL webcomic originally written by Ogeretsu Tanaka builds and illustrates a fujoshi‘s dream world. Though technically, the series happens in a private all-boys school deep in the mountains. It has that air of exclusivity you...
Boys Over Flowers 1996 2,532 votes Hana Yori Dango is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Yoko Kamio. The story is set in Eitoku Academy, an elite school for children from rich families. It follows lead protagonist Tsukushi Makino, a student from a working-class family...
Live-Action Cheer Boys!! Film Unveils More Cast, Teaser, Poster Visual (Dec 13, 2018) Kōya no Kotobuki Hikōtai Smartphone Game's Video Previews Game Features (Dec 13, 2018) Super Robot Wars DD Smartphone Game Launches in Japan in 2019 (Nov 19, 2018) My Hero One's Justice Game'...