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Though from vastly different backgrounds, their burgeoning friendship fuels their SK8 skills in the face of adversaries like gifted cherry blossom skater Adam. Dig Deeper The Best 'SK8 The Infinity' Characters, Ranked Also ranks #4 on 15 Outrageous Sports Anime That Are Too Much For The Real ...
Kyoko Hori is your typical popular high school girl, excelling in academics and social life. On the other hand, Izumi Miyamura is a quiet, introverted boy who hides his true colorful appearance behind glasses and a plain demeanor. Both have secrets they wish to keep hidden from their classmate...
The Boy and the Heron low Rated Anime Reviews Write a Review Support ACDB by visitingour affiliates Crunchyroll store The Curiosity Box 12:14 am Anonymous Who is this? Replies: 1 Quotes taking much more of this will deplete my mana fast.-Jinwoo Sung...
While they can feel human emotions and have their own consciousness, they are not real humans and require love to grow. Kotarou Izumi is the young heir to the noble Izumi family, so it is frowned upon when he brings an abandoned Hybrid Child he found in the garbage into their household....
Even if we can't go to the beach in real life, we can still bask in the beauty of chiseled 2D masterpieces of men doing so in our stead. So, for all the ladies (and gay/bi men) out there, here are the top 5 manservice swimsuit scenes in anime!
Yuto Amakawa ofOmamori Himariis a 16-year-old boy who has been living alone for years. His parents died when he was little, and for some reason, no adult stepped in to take care of him. Instead, Yuto's high school-aged neighbor Rinko is tasked with raising the boy. ...
The reason she wanted to collect all the Dragon Balls in the first series was to wish for a boyfriend, and she flirts with just about every boy she meets. She comes by it honestly - her parents encourage her to bring home cute boys, and appear to live a sexually adventurous lifes...
How The Real World Would Deal With a Titan Attack You might be surprised at how well equipped we are. Eammon Jul 17, 2020 Anime ‘No Guns Life’: More Than Just A Show About A Man With A Gun For A Head. You'd think 'a guy with a gun for a head' would be an intriguing ...
mates living in the council flats. Not just the two leads, but all the characters are fully realized and believable, including one of the boy's mothers who is struggling to make a success of herself, her free-spirited boyfriend and an eccentric neighbour obsessed with Mama Cass. Very real....