Experience Japanese anime at the J-World Tokyo indoor themed attraction, located at Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan. J-World Tokyo is home to various attractions based on the One Piece, Dragon Ball and Naruto anime. Operated by video game giant Namco, the indoor theme park is divide...
Other attractions include anime-related workshops and seminars, anime goods shops and a food park. Exhibits from a previous year Getting there and around Tokyo Big Sight is located on Odaida in Tokyo. It is a few steps from Tokyo Big Sight Station on the Yurikamome Line or a five minute...
There are many more interesting things to experience in Tokyo which is why we have included several must see sites as part of our Tokyo sightseeing day. Some attractions, such as Sensoji Temple and Shibuya Scramble Crossing, may look familiar as they may have popped up in your favorite animes...
NO Face is a supporting character in the comic strip Spirited Away, but it has contributed greatly to the success… Read More Explore 6 Ghibli Museum Attractions in Japan July 25, 2023 AnimeReview Ghibli Museum is located in Inokashira Park, Mitaka City, Tokyo. It is about a 15-minute ...
Open in Google Maps 在SHIBU HACHI BOX 前集合。导游将举着写有“gotcha”的标牌等候您。 End point Shibuya Parco Japan, 〒150-8377 Tokyo, Shibuya, Udagawachō, 15−1 渋谷パルコ・ヒューリックビル B1-10階 Open in Google Maps 游览在涩谷PARCO结束 What To Expect Additional Info Confirmation...
Don’t forget to check theJapankuru event calendarfor more manga and anime-themed events in Tokyo, plus many more festivals, exhibitions, and other fun attractions all over Japan! For more info and updates from Japan, check Japankuru for new articles, and don’t forget to follow us onX (...
16:10Visit one of the biggest souvenir shops in Tokyo Visit one of the biggest souvenir shops in Tokyo 17:00Return What's included Admission to attractions English / Japanese-speaking guide Transport Meals and beverages Other personal expenses ...
s prison-break and Hana 'Hatchin' Morenos' escape from her abusive foster parents. As they seek one man, Satoshi Batista's intriguing shadow feeds their tumultuous journey across Brazil. Dynamic women leads exploring freedom amidst gritty realism serve as notable attractions for girls fascinated by...
“Please do come in. Those who are young and plump are especially welcome.” Unbothered by the message, they enter the restaurant. As they check out the various attractions within, they are once again startled by a noise. “Please understand that this is a restaurant of many orders.” As...
This Dutch-inspired theme park offers a unique blend of European architecture and anime culture, making it a standout attraction in Japan's growing anime tourism sector. The park's commitment to celebrating Japanese pop culture, particularly through its One Piece attractions, demonstrates the i...