Photo: The Ice Guy & His Cool Female Colleague Zero-G, Liber The Ice Guy & His Cool Female Colleague is a josei series that's totally adorable right out of the gate. As the descendant of a yokai called a snow woman (yuki onna), Himuro has ice powers that flare along with his emot...
How The Real World Would Deal With a Titan Attack You might be surprised at how well equipped we are. Eammon Jul 17, 2020 Anime ‘No Guns Life’: More Than Just A Show About A Man With A Gun For A Head. You'd think 'a guy with a gun for a head' would be an intriguing ...
How The Real World Would Deal With a Titan Attack You might be surprised at how well equipped we are. Eammon Jul 17, 2020 Anime ‘No Guns Life’: More Than Just A Show About A Man With A Gun For A Head. You'd think 'a guy with a gun for a head' would be an intriguing ...
Also ranks #1 on 19 Times Anime Villains Destroyed The Good Guy In A Fight Dig Deeper Which 'Bleach' Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Also ranks #5 on Ranking Every Member of The Espada Strongest to Weakest 107 Deidara 3,982 votes Powers & Abilities: Explosion, Superhuman vi...
Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the ova The Day That Guy Embraced Her.
"We shall hide those boobs with some nice robotic costumes" said no one ever194Răspunsuri44Topicuri Ergo Proxy 31-10-2020, 07:54 PM deFlorentina Shoujo/Romance Nobody cares about the size of the boobie here, also costumes are important504Răspunsuri71Topicuri ...
Support ACDB by visitingour affiliates 05:22 am Anonymous Who is this? View Latest Comments:Iori Fujimura The only guy I have ever seen actually rock a bowl cut.-plipplop Quotes What's with the (bleep) D-like driving?!-Kagami Hiiragi...
One guy and a plethora of women typically equals a harem. That has been the formula since the Tenchi Muyou! days. You usually find that each of the main fem... Readmore Hercule SSJ Sentai Filmworks Acquires The Voluptuous Girls in Nanatsu no Bitoku!
Drawing comparisons to titles such as Wizardry and The Bard's Tale, Etrian Odyssey challenges players with exploring and mapping a vast dungeon. In classic fashion, players navigate through the dungeon a single "step" at a time, moving and turning in fixed increments. Time passes only when an...
Harem anime isn’t exclusively about a guy with a harem of girls. The same thing can be said to one girl surrounded by many guys, and these shows are often referred to as “Reverse Harem.” We didn’t add these to the list because, traditionally, harem anime is all about a guy surr...