Animations makes your website stand out from the crowd. So, when you need the motivation to do a great animation on your web design, you probably need to see this list. Mogney is a service for QR code payments that’s worth checking. Its website implements a superb animation through GS...
transition 只有两个状态:开始状态和结束状态;但 animation 可以有多个状态,有帧的概念,并且可以指定动画次数 transition 需要借助别的方式来触发,比如 CSS 的状态选择器(如:hover)或借助 JS 触发;animation 可以自动触发 所以keyframes animation > transition,所有 transition 的动画其实都能用 @keyframes 实现 实战 a...
Keeping style applied using :hover until transition complete Nested input and select box with hover transition Transition hover div css Fade back DIV on hover FadeIn and out DIV2 on hover of DIV1 Fade list items on hover Circle around div when hover ...
Using the CSS below, I created an animation for a hover on/ hover off state. When the “Contact” menu item is hovered, a yellow bar appears in the header. In the html, the yellow bar is a child-element of the menu item.
通过动态修改元素的样式产生的动画会在对应的样式被解析时开始;比如伪样式规则(:hover,用伪类触发动画),或者通过脚本应用的样式(用JS给元素添加animation-name)。注意,动态地更新关键帧样式规则(keyframe style rules)不会开始或重启一个动画,只有通过修改animation-name属性才会重启动画。
不同点:transition需要触发一个事件(hover事件或click事件等)才会随时间改变其css属性;而animation在不需要触发任何事件的情况下也可以显式的随着时间变化来改变元素css的属性值,从而达到一种动画的效果,css3的animation就需要明确的动画属性值 第一个案例代码:原图如下 ...
1:容易混淆的几个css属性 弄清楚这几个问题,我们就可以头脑清醒的状态下去学习css的动画 transition 什么叫过渡?字面意思来讲就是元素从这个属性(color)的某个值(red)过渡到这个属性(color)的另外一个值(green),这是一个状态的转变,需要一种条件来触发这种转变,比如我们平时用到的 hover、focus、checked、媒体查询...
This animation is paused, but runs when you hover over it. HTML htmlCopy to Clipboardplay CSS cssCopy to Clipboardplay .box { background-color: rebeccapurple; border-radius: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px; animation-name: rotate; animation-duration: 0.7s; animation-iteration-count: ...
One scenario where I recently needed this was when swapping out one animation for the other, but have the second animation continue where the first one was cut. el { animation: one 5s linear infinite; animation-timeline: --sync; } el:hover { animation: two 5s linear infinite; animation-ti...