Developer Forum | Roblox animating 话题回复浏览量活动 2D animated face in a custom 3D rig Art Design Support studio , animation , modeling , help , animating 2 140 2024 年12 月 20 日 How would I replicate animations from FE Scripts?Art Design Support ...
Hello! I was just wondering how I could make it so that a part is animated while a character is also animated. eg: creating a cutscene of someone pulling a lever you would need to animate the player pulling the lever an…
inTween =true -- 在兩次完成後,再讓對象再次可以點擊 tweenObject.Completed:Connect(function() inTween =false end) end clickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(activateAction) -- 在零件被觸摸時擴大或縮小它,然後摧毀它 localTweenService =game:GetService("TweenService") ...
-- Roblox services local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- Require module local TypeWriter = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("TypeWriter")) TypeWriter.typeWrite(script.Parent, "Beyond this door is the Great Zorgoth...") 在Studio 中对你的游戏进行测试,文本应该在 Te...
inTween =true -- 在 tween 完成后,按钮再次可用 tweenButton.Completed:Connect(function() inTween =false -- 反向按钮状态 buttonState *=-1 end) end clickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(buttonPress) -- 为按钮位置计算新 CFrame localoffsetCFrame =, TWEEN_MOVE_DISTANCE * buttonState,0...