series:[ { pointLabels: { show:true }, renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer, showHighlight:false, yaxis:'y2axis', rendererOptions: { // Speed up the animation a little bit. // This is a number of milliseconds. // Default for bar series is 3000. ...
Professional-Level Animation Company: Made of an entire crew of producers, animators, editors, scriptwriters, and so on, these bigger studios typically charge anywhere between $8,000 and $25,000 per minute. While I know this might sound like a big investment to some, these companies are, ...
Will you write the script for explainer videos? How and where can I use explainer videos? How do you measure the success of an explainer video? Do you make explainer videos in languages other than English? In what format do you deliver the final explainer videos? Who owns the right...
Creator Tim Miller and supervising director Dave Wilson tell IndieWire about their new animated anthology series and adapting decades' worth of lore.
Learn to create a Call to Action button in Photoshop & how to animate it. This tutorial is broken up into 3 sections: Photoshop, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript.
It features a series of drug-induced vignettes both related and unrelated to life in the 1970s. Starring Skip Hinnant as the voice of the titular feline protagonist, the film is a sequel to Fritz the Cat, the first animated film to receive an X rating in the United State...
The film’s thematic similarities toBTASare absolutely one of its strengths, seeing as the best episodes of the series are among the greatest Batman stories ever told, even under the choke of the 22-minute format.Phantasmgets the opportunity to be a Timm / Dini Batman story told more intri...
Once you have a solid sense of your video’s structure, beginstoryboarding, or creating a series of drawings that will help you visualize the action. Break down each scene shot by shot. Your drawings don’t have to be extremely detailed, but the more specific your storyboards are, the be...
Vince Vaughn and his Wild Wild West Picture Shows have signed a script deal with FOX to develop an animated comedy series with both FOX and Vaughn’s company producing. The as-yet-unnamed project is the latest in a number of deals FOX Entertainment is putting forth to get the best animatio...