It's been nearly 90 years since they were introduced, and the Looney Tunes finally have their first feature-length, fully animated movie. "The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie" is not only a celebration of these iconic characters and the rich history of looney fun but also a...
Take movies like Toy Story, the groundbreaking Pixar film that brought toys to life and kicked off a beloved franchise, filled with humor, heart, and important life lessons. The Lion King is another classic, with its epic tale of Simba’s journey from cub to king juxtaposed against...
Netflix Shares Trailer For THE RECRUIT Season 2 Ahead Of Return This Month MattIsForReal 6 days ago SE7EN Director David Fincher Finally Reveals What Was REALLY In The Box JoshWilding 6 days ago The Josh Hartnett Comeback Tour Continues With New Action Film FIGHT OR FLIGHT ...
For something a little darker, there's this story, about two demons who try to trick a loner girl named Kat into helping them return to the land of the living. The movie is a team-up of stop-motion animation master Henry Selick (The Nightmare Before Christmas) and horror icon Jordan Pe...
The Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film is an award given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) as part of the Academy Awards annually since the 5th Academy Awards, covering the year 1931–32, to the present. This category was known as "Short Subjects, Cartoon...
Danny Elfman's haunted singing vocals work perfectly with Chris Sarandon's regular voice work of Jack, making him easily the standout star. But it's not just Jack who makes this movie a classic. Halloween Town itself is full to the brim with unique characters, all of which have been ...
Because the real directive involved letting humans return to Earth once it was inhabitable again, AUTO destroys the plants that would signal that the toxicity had cleared. AUTO also keeps humans from learning about how they got on the spaceship and how or whether they can...
Each episode of the series retells international story tales that has originated in many countries around the world, such as Poland, Scotland, Russia, etc. Seasons 3 | 2 | 1 See all Creator Christopher Grace See all filmmakers & crew (536) Trending Become a member to see MOVIE...
and violence makes it far closer to a movie like300than animated features like Disney'sHercules. The violence makes it one of the many adult animated shows likeInvincibleandthe plot of the son of a powerful god forced to take action to save the world hasmany similar themes to Mark's ...
Gonzo then finds himself back in the first level, where Piggy has taken the place of the King Copacabana, although she has actually just disconnected the system in reality. Piggy then attempts to play Donkey Kong Jr., but fails miserably. Going back to the original Donkey Kong, Piggy ...