A cross platform progressbar library using react native which is completely customizable #Installation npm install progress-bar-animated --save #Example usage import ProgressBarAnimated from 'progress-bar-animated'; <ProgressBarAnimated progress={50} style={{marginLeft: 16, marginRight: 16}} filledC...
react-native-progress-bar An animated progress bar for React Native. Getting started npm install react-native-progress-bar@latest --save Example usage var React = require('react-native'); var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View, } = React; var ProgressBar = require('react-native-progress...
animated-react-native-progress-bar The smallest, most performant, animated progress bar for React Native apps 🚀 Silky smooth animations and complete styling flexibility 💄 react react-native expo progress progress-bar loading loading-bar progressbar ...
Take a look at my other component –react-native-circular-slider Example app Installation Install librarynpm i --save react-native-circular-progress As Expo user you are good to go right now, or alternatively install ART: Link ART library to your ReactNative project (how to link a library?)...
Install this component andreact-native-svg: npm i --save react-native-circular-progress react-native-svg Link native code for SVG: react-native link react-native-svg Usage import{AnimatedCircularProgress}from'react-native-circular-progress';<AnimatedCircularProgresssize={120}width={15}fill={100}ti...
rn-animated-progress-circle A React Native animated progress circle component with no dependencies (aside from react-native). Props Examples Animated.spring to animate value changes with Text as children source Recreation of the native Android spinner ...
:unicorn: 这是React-Native精彩的动画carouel钩子组件 :sparkles:为React Native开发的轮播展示动画组件 由Voyz Shen提供技术支持 :school: 上海交通大学携程 目录 特性 版本号 演示版 如何使用 安装 npm i react-native-animated-carousel --save 进口 import AnimatedCarousel from 'react-native-animated-carousel'...
origin: jkomyno/react-native-maps-example const panY = new Animated.Value(0); const scrollY = panY.interpolate({ inputRange: [-1, 1], outputRange: [1, -1], }); const scrollX = panX.interpolate({ inputRange: [-1, 1], outputRange: [1, -1], }); const scale = scrollY....
import{Animated,PanResponder,StyleSheet,View}from"react-native";import*asReactfrom"react";import{useRef,useState}from"react";interfaceNJSlideViewProps{iWidth:number,iHeight:number|15,value:number|0.5,progress:(progress:number,scroll:boolean)=>voidcolor?:Array<string>| ["white", "red"], ...
TextInput是React Native中的一个组件,用于接收用户的文本输入。它可以用于创建文本输入框、密码输入框、多行文本输入框等。 KeyboardAvoidingView是React Na...