Also ranks #1 on Insane Movie Details You May Have Missed On Your First Watch Also ranks #4 on The Best Animated Movies With Tiny Characters Also ranks #5 on 15 Movies That Sounded Like Terrible Ideas But Somehow Turned Out Great 22 What's Opera, Doc? Mel Blanc, Arthur Q. Bryan 555 ...
This is just me messing around with it though, and isn’t actually going to be in the movie. We don’t have a picture for the sky yet so I was testing things out in the meantime. But, you can see how truly powerful a green/blue screen is! Next time you see the weatherman standi...
Maybe it’s because we’re told – in subtle ways – not to shine too brightly and make others feel inadequate. Some pegged the notion as straight out of Ayn Rand (this would have been her favorite movie ever), but the idea was somehow made to feel inclusive via Bird’s humor, panach...
Yes, this is an adaptation of the famous fable about the tiny chicken who thinks the sky is falling. But that fable is brief, so this Chicken Little turns the story on its head. Now, Chicken Little (voiced by Zach Braff in the midst of his Scrubs fame) is right that the sky is ...
39. The LEGO Movie (2014) In true Lord & Miller style, it shouldn't have worked – but a movie spun off from an inanimate toy somehow became way more than a cynical cash-in.The LEGO Moviesmartly zones in on the creative ethos of the building-block toy to tell a story about imaginat...
Magneto watches it turn into a tiny hunk of scrap. The first tank continues firing, but the blast merely bounces off Magneto's shield. He hovers down and sends out another blast. All the screws fly out of the tank and the armor floats off. The cannon still fires until Magneto twists...
In "Whatever", Music similar to the circuit theme from Mario Kart 64 plays as Young Neil drives a golf cart around a movie set. Shortly after, Young Neil talks to Ramona Flowers about how golf carts in the U.S. are called "Mario Karts". In "2 Scott 2 Pilgrim", The house Old Sc...
Also ranks #8 on 16 Movie Villains Who Pack Big Evil Into A Tiny Package 77 votes Terrifying? next up join our community Sign up for behind-the-scenes facts about all of your TV & Film favorites with the Watchworthy newsletter. SubscribeBy subscribing, you agree ...
Movie Intro Maker There's currently a demand for these animated intro maker producers. Still, in today's world, companies & entrepreneurs with a tiny budget choose to use internet video production sites that can deliver pro promo videos for a portion of the cost. ...
However, animated features are just as capable of falling short at the box office as any other type of movie. Sometimes, animated box office duds develop such a toxic reputation that they only become well-known for the dollars they lost for those same corporations. Over the years, though, ...