it uses the traditional cartoon animation of Disney’s older films. The movie follows New Orleans resident Tiana, a young woman who dreams of owning her own restaurant. Through a magical mishap, she transforms into a frog and embarks on a journey to reverse the spell...
Ghostbusters: Afterlifewas the first movie in the series with the original cast back in their old roles in 30 years. It made just under $200 million worldwide, which isn’t a massive amount —Spider-Man: No Way Homegrossed more than that in just its opening weekend in the U.S. — bu...
He was disappointed that the movie kept hyping up Mandarin just for him to be beaten in five to ten minutes. He did like the twist about the bracelet. "So, as with the previous Ultimate Avengers movies we end up with a very good movie, but I was personally hoping this would be the ...
Ghostbusters: Afterlifeis having one heck of an afterlife. Last fall’sGhostbusterssequel — the first to feature the original movies’ cast since 1989 did well enough in theaters to get Sony working on afifth movie, which was officially announced back in April at CinemaCon. Today,Netflixannoun...
Afterlife (NFB) [45] Love (Jiří Brdečka) [45] Make Me Psychic (Sally Cruikshank) [45] The Oriental Nightfish (Ian Eames) [45] Pencil Booklings (Kathy Rose) [45] Satiemania (Zagreb Film) [45] The Small One (Disney) [45] Why Me? (NFB) [45] Furies (Sarah Petty) [45] ...
As its title suggests, the movie focuses on the adventures of a brave toaster, as well as a number of household objects, who want to reunite with their owner. Though it has much of the modern world about it, it is also something of a modern fairy tale, and it maintains its charming ...
The co-directors of Pixar's animated movie Soul explain how music and mathematics shaped the film's tone and its depiction of the afterlife.
As unexpected as the movie’s initial failure was its equally remarkable afterlife. Its home video sales were robust enough to spawn two sequels, meaning that there was definitely an audience for this film, just not one willing to go out in public to watch it. Which I find inexplicable. ...
Directed by Pete Docter, the fantasy comedy drama is a story about Joe Gardner, a middle school music teacher, who finds himself fallen into the afterlife, called Great Beyond, on the day his dream to be a jazz pianist was to come true. ...
A play about Goliarda Sapienza in New York! Starting at $10 €1,460 raised 37% funded Art Ouija Slumber Party - PJs, Ouija & the Afterlife! Starting at $15 $30 USD (50% off) $1,418 raised 28% funded Film Touch Grass: A SCAD Senior Capstone Film Starting at $...