Life, Animated: Directed by Roger Ross Williams. With Owen Suskind, Cornelia Suskind, Ron Suskind, Walter Suskind. A coming-of-age story about a boy and his family who overcame great challenges by turning Disney animated movies into a language to express
By Emily RivasUpdated Jun 10, 2024 Photo: iStockphoto You’ve probably heard the saying that kids are like sponges—this is especially true for toddlers. Little ones between the ages of one and three are always absorbing new things. Their main mode for learning: Playtime. They begin by pl...
Yes, it’s slightly overlong (but so, in honesty, was the original and every other big 60s musical of its time) and Meryl Streep struggles to fill Ed Wynn’s boots, but Emily Blunt makes Mary her own, and loses herself in the role so as to occasionally match Julie, especially in ...
Life, Animated: Directed by Roger Ross Williams. With Owen Suskind, Cornelia Suskind, Ron Suskind, Walter Suskind. A coming-of-age story about a boy and his family who overcame great challenges by turning Disney animated movies into a language to express