Well, the result is about as weird as you would imagine. "Orion and the Dark" follows the neurotic young Orion (Jacob Tremblay), who is afraid of everything but especially the dark. One night, as he struggles to fall asleep, Orion is whisked away (read: kidnapped) by Dark, the embod...
Klausisn't just another feel-good film; it's also a film that looks great. Employing unique technology to transform 2-D animation into what looks like 3-D, the film is well-deserving of its Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature (the first of Netflix's original animated featur...
Then step on up to this sensational 2006 film, in which the Big Bad is a towering, sentient, old house that gobbles up toys as well as trespassing children. While the premise might sound perturbing, children will relish the tale of three spirited kids who not only discover the Monster ...
He's often the smartest guy in the room or at the very least, the best at being an adult, understanding the value of a good night's sleep and a hard day's work. While he might have his hands full with various Toons getting underfoot at times, Porky can be obscenely competent at ...
And Horse is, well - not. But appearances don't always tell the whole story. Rate S1.E2 ∙ Earth Yay!Sun, Dec 4, 2022 While visiting the other planets, Earth learns its friends are all good at something. But what's special about Earth? Rate S1.E3 ∙ How to Potty Train a ...
vibrant film that honors Mexican cultural traditions, and – because the Emeryville studio is so good at it – plucks at the heartstrings as effectively as some of the guitar players here. The movie itself and original song 'Remember Me' both won Oscars, each well-deserved.Read the Empire ...
They transform into stone during the day but are alive at night. Wikipedia handles the premise description nicely: “In the year 994, the clan lives in a castle in Scotland. Most are betrayed and killed by humans and the remainder are magically cursed to sle...
The Night Entities — Insomnia, Sleep, Quiet, Unexplained Noises and Sweet Dreams — in a scene from "Orion and the Dark." (DreamWorks Animation/Netflix via AP) “It’s OK to be nervous — more than OK, in fact. It’s normal,” his mom tells him, helpfully. “Sometimes you just...
the disco clam uses light to fight super-strong predators architect explains how homes could be 3d printed on mars and earth scientist explains how rare genetics allow some to sleep only 4 hours a night scientist explains unsinkable metal that could prevent disasters at sea is invisibility ...