A charming and heartwarming tale of love, loyalty, and perseverance, this movie follows the adventures of two dalmatian parents, Pongo and Perdita, as they embark on a daring mission to rescue their kidnapped puppies from the clutches of the nefarious Cruella De Vil. With its captivating animati...
While DreamWorks Animation has been criticised for chasing the franchise dragon (pun entirely intended), this trilogy is a soaring example that the company can point to as to why it's not always the enemy of creativity and charm. Originated by Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders (with the two su...
”The two trends converge to narrate Cruella de Vil’s origin story. In the first half of the film, it is revealed that Cruella becomes an orphan after an encounter with Dalmatians kills her mother. She grows up roaming the streets of London and eventually becomes an employee of the ...
Cruella De Vil: This villain causes players to discard paint or Kanin Krunchie tokens when activated. Placing Cruella De Vil:To complete the film, in addition to the cards and tokens, each player must have at least one Kanine Krunchie token apiece. Aladdin (1992) Friend Like Me: For this ...
You can accuse Disney of softening a lot of things in the making of their animated tales, but scrimping on villains has never been part of their approach. There are few evil Disney folk as memorable as Cruella de Vil, the fur-coated harridan who sweeps into the home of newly-married Roge...
Cruella De Vil For each Calamity card that the players were unable to get rid of, the players have to collectively discard either two Paint tokens or one Kanine Krunchies token. If you choose to discard the two Paint tokens, one player can discard both, or two players can both discard on...
One Hundred and One Dalmatians, American animated film, released in 1961, that became a Walt Disney classic, especially known for the villainous character Cruella De Vil. When dalmatians Pongo and Perdita have 15 puppies, Cruella De Vil attempts to buy t
The film is also host to one of Disney’s most outlandish, disturbing villainesses, Cruella De Vil, who’s as evil as she sounds. From a visual standpoint, One Hundred and One Dalmatians isn’t as lush or colorful as Sleeping Beauty, but it’s a fun romp in which the technology ...
“We screened it with some of our friends, and at the end it was like, ‘No more sleepovers at Hatchers’ house.’ Now I’m definitely in the ranks of Cruella De Vil.” Though dark it may be, the film, infused with the same creepy elegance as 1993’s “The Nightmare Before ...
When Anita and Roger Radcliffe’s none-too-welcome acquaintance Cruella de Vil learns that their Dalmatians Pongo and Perdita are about to be parents, she plans to buy them up and skin them all to make her demented dream of a Dalmatian fur coat a gruesome reality! When Roger rejects her ...