The story centers around the unlikely friendship between Lilo, a young Hawaiian girl, and Stitch, a genetically-engineered alien creature, redefining the meaning of family and belonging within a science fiction framework. The movie's blend of hand-drawn and computer-generated animation brings...
Also ranks #3 on Disney Movie Moments That Hit Harder The Second Time You Watch 16 The Iron Giant Jennifer Aniston, Eli Marienthal, Harry Connick 654 votes In this animated adaptation of Ted Hughes' Cold War fable, a giant alien robot (Vin Diesel) crash-lands near the small town of Ro...
Before the kids move on to bigger and louder blockbusters, make sure to add the best animated films of all time to your family's to-watch list.
" In "Alien," she was in over her head. In "Aliens," she's in exponentially deeper, and yet still goes sallying forth into the heart of darkness to save a single lost child. She's not tough, just calloused, and that makes her a lot more exciting to watch lock, load, and cry ...
Jungle Beat: The Movie Rated TV-Y7. 1 hour 29 minutes. Jungle Beat: The Movieis a delightful animated film that follows the story of a lovable alien creature who crash-lands in the jungle and embarks on a series of hilarious misadventures with the local animal inhabitants. Filled with hum...
The Wild Robot, Alien: Romulus, Deadpool & Wolverine And Nosferatu Among The Motion Picture Sound Editors (Mpse) Nominees 1/7/2025 by Michelle McCue The 2025 Golden Globe winners who took home an award this year
its scatological jokes and cutaway gags are often what make this comedy hilarious, particularly from Seth Macfarlane’s turn as Roger the Alien, with his juvenile yet witty voice that provokes a laugh every time he utters a word. The show’s brash crudeness is its foundation for fostering lau...
Nutcracker is really the “Alien Superstar” of the Barbie Animated Cinematic Universe because you really don’t even want to waste time trying to compete with her. The glamor and nostalgia of Christmas really help as this Barbie movie recounts the story of Clara and her Nutcracker as they tr...
Mark Hamill, yes,Mark Hamill, once starred inThe Guyver, a live-action manga adaptation styled as a tokusatsu superhero movie about a young man who finds an alien artifact that transforms him into a green-suited super-soldier called “the Guyver.” Based on Yoshiki Takaya’s manga seriesBio ...
Ocho is a recurring character that appears as an 8-bit alien, and is used for many references to Super Mario and other video game franchises. As an example, in "The Tape", Ocho hits a gigantic, yellow block similar to a ? Block to get cash for a vending machine. During gym class,...