The queen and breeding males do nothing much but procreate. The queen, who rather bullies all the other mole rats in her burrow, is always fed first. She produces hormones to suppress the reproduction of other females, and if she dies, older females in the colony will fight for dominance....
Females will look to procreate again ten months after successful fertilization or five months if previously unsuccessful. They can perform complex maneuvers including flying backwards, making circles, and fast vertical ascents while courting a potential mate. The Tropicbird has a 16-year lifespan. Wh...
It was around then that my spouse and son discovered a pipe leading from our sink and dishwasher has been slowly leaking into the basement, apparently for many years. This was, if I understood the muttering, thanks to work by “some idiot” before we moved in. Of course the plumber in ...
just chit-chat about the weather. Come to think of it, there’s no school here at all, just Penny who teaches the only two children in town who are destined to marry each other and procreate, I guess. And the TV only has the weather channel. So I suppose it’s not their fault...
In conclusion,I think animals have rights to live freely,to procreate,to be with their own kind, to have access to Mother Earth, to live in their native environment, protect themselves, to not be enslaved ,tortured or abused byhumans, animals should have the same rights as man.©...
I’ve yet to find a single comprehensive animal anatomy book covering everything. Probably because there are just so many animals that it’d be impossible to do them all. But this book is a great place to start for drawing common animals like dogs, horses, cows, and lions. ...
What we have is ahuge hand-built structuremade to accommodate not-so-decorative vines that simply refuse to procreate. So last Christmas, the grim Christmas of 2020 when we hadn’t seen our youngest family members for nine long miserable months of Covid-19 isolation, I said all I wanted ...
Most of them cannot be found more than 600 meters away from each other, even though they prefer to be separate from other frogs in their species until they procreate.Part of the reason that the dwarf frog gets its name is because it is found on the Monte Iberia tableland. In fact, ...
It only makes sense that butterflies would bide their time until conditions are just right because the adult lifespan of these insects can be quite short. Small blue and copper butterflies emerge from their chrysalis and are left with just a few days to feed and procreate. Across all species...
Some dogs and cats are treated like children or surrogate friends, perhaps due to the impossibility to procreate or as a consequence of elective parent- age [14]. In a positive light, this can influence the decision of dog or cat owners to invest in expensive treatments to keep their non-...