1Otters are animals that live near and around water. There are many different kinds of otters. Some live near rivers, and some in the sea. Otters live on every continent(大洲)except for Australia and Antarctica.Otters are long and slim animals with four short legs. They usually stay on al...
Otters(水獭) are animals that live near and around water. There are many different kinds of otters. Some live near rivers, and some in the sea. Otters live on every continent(大洲) except for Australi a and Antarctica.Otters are long and slim animals with four short legs. They usually ...
Many animals live in the sand to protect themselves from heat, rain, predators and other dangers. Some animals live in the sand close to the water, while other animals inhabit sand dunes at some distance from the nearest body of water. Most animals that live in the sand burrow deeply into...
Examines various animals that live in or near the water, discussing such habitats as swamps, ponds, and the seashore.Helen Ward
二、阅读理解题目獭体裁说明文难度系数要求时间6分钟KEY P173Otters(獭)are animals that live near and around water.There are many differentkinds of otters.Some live near rivers,and some in the sea.Otters live on every continent(大洲)except for Australia and Antarctica.My Life in the WildOtters ...
And in some ways that barrier effect can be worse than roadkill itself.One of the things that is going on now with climate change and is already happening is that species are changing where they live. They're trying to find new habitats. One of the really good ideas is building new ...
These birds have white heads and tails with brown bodies and are found near open bodies of water with old-growth trees that they use for nesting. Harpy Eagle Bird – Harpy eagles are found in tropical rainforests in Mexico, Central America, and South America. These birds have dark grey ...
The country has the rarest and smallestdolphinin the world: the Hector’s dolphin, of which there are around 15,000 that live in the waters surrounding both islands. New Zealand sea lions are another of the rarest species on the planet, and their population is around 10,000, mainly confine...
While the lake’s alkalinity is hostile for most forms of life, certain types of algae and microorganisms have adapted to high saline conditions. There are also alkaline tilapias that live in the waters at the edges of the hot spring inlets, which is less salty. ...
1【题目】二、阅读理解AOtters(獭) are animals that live near and around water. There are many differentkinds of otters. Some live near rivers, and some in the sea. Otters live on everycontinent(大洲) except for Australi a and Antarctica.Otters are long and slim animals with four short leg...