六、 阅读理解Like humans, animals communicate with each other. They do this in many different ways and for different reasons. Of course, they don't speak a special language in the way humans do. They have their own special ways and reasons for communicating.One reason that animals communicate...
Like humans,animals need sleep too.A big problem for animals in the wild is keeping their enemies away while they sleep.Animals take care of this problem in different ways. Anolis lizards live in many areas including tropical rainforests.They often sleep on leaves at the end of long branches...
(海豚)are smart like humans(人类).They can think,understand and learn things quickly.In fact,dolphins have big brain(大脑)-to-body size ratio(比例),which is second only to humans.Dolphins use brains differently from the way humans do.But scientists say dolphins are like ...
This kind of behavior seriously ruins the nature and the relationship between animals and humans. People should respect all the animals and treat them as friends. Some of the animals provide thei 动物是生物象人。 他们有感觉、想法和喜爱。 某些人杀害动物为金钱。 这种行为严重破坏自然和动物和人之间...
Dear A Moment of Science, Besides chimps, which animals do you think are the most likepeople? 亲爱的科学一刻,除了黑猩猩,你认为哪种动物最像人类? Scientists have closely studied prairie dog chirps and found that they're really complex. 科学家仔细研究了草原狗的叫声,发现这很复杂。 You know how...
Like humans, sometimes animals also need to communicate(沟通) with each other. They communicate to tell each other where food is or to show how they feel. In fact, there are many ways for animals to do that.The first and most usual way is by using sound. For example, if the monkey ...
Like humans,sometimes animals also need to communicate(沟通) with each other.They communicate to tell each other where food is or to show how they feel.In fact,there are many ways for animals to do that. The first and most usual way is by using sound.For example,if the monkey sees a...
There is no denying that we should respect the life of animals,but I don't think Animals have the right and be treated and respected like humans.It's simply unrealistic .这样一个简单的让步就结束了,然后我们找反例即可。我们知道,毕竟人类是需要依靠动物来生存和发展的。比如说 我们的食物、衣服、...
aVector field + David Stasiuk script 向量场+大卫Stasiuk剧本[translate] aSome will look like humans,and others might look animals 一些将看似人,并且其他也许看动物[translate]
译文:你知道吗?动物和人类一样,它们爱着彼此以及它们的孩子们。让我来告诉你一些关于动物父母的动人的故事 很多年之前,一场暴雨袭击了一个镇使得河的水位上涨。当雨停了之后,人们发现一只狗连着两周,一天两次游到一个岛屿上。她为什么这么做呢?她的四个孩子在那里。这个母亲每天游到那里去喂她...