根据第五段“Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals stay safe from animals that hunt them near the surface.” 在水下深处睡觉可以帮助这些海豹远离海面上捕食它们的动物。 that hunt them near the surface做animals的定语,而animals是海豹远离的对象,故可以推测hunt的意思是“捕猎”,故选D项。【小题4】...
The ducks in the middle sleep deeply with both eyes7Seals (海豹) breathe air, _8_ that doesn't stop some of them from sleeping underwater.They hold their breath (住呼吸) and dive (潜水) deep to sleep for up to twenty minutes at a time. Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals ...
The hippopotamus spends most of its time in water.It has almost no hair and eats grass and water plants.its eyes and nostrils stick out so that it can see and breathe when underwater. 河马大部分时间都在水里。它几乎没有头发,吃草和水生植物。...
Axolotls are often referred to as “Mexican walking fish,” but they are actually amphibians that prefer to live their entire lives underwater. These remarkable creatures can regenerate almost every part of their bodies if necessary, including their spines, internal organs, and even some parts of...
In the open water, the tiger shark will always have the advantage over the crocodile. It can swim faster, maneuver better, and breathe underwater. If the fight goes below the water, the tiger shark almost always wins. Who would win in a fight between a tiger shark and killer whale? In...
The ducks in the middle sleep with both eyes closed.Seals breathe air, but that doesn't stop some of them from sleeping underwater. They hold their breath and dive deep to sleep for up to twenty minutes at a time. Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals stay safe from animals that ...
Seals breathe air, but that doesn’t stop them from sleeping underwater. They hold their breath and dive deep to sleep for up to twenty minutes at a time. Some fish make their own sleeping bags. They make a big bubble and sleep inside it. It also keeps other animals from smelling them...
Beavers have big, strong teeth that they use to cut down trees and other materials for their homes. Did you know that beavers can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes underwater? That’s longer than most kids can hold their breath! Beetle Beetles are like tiny, armored tanks. They ...
After several months of living underwater, mayfly naiads float to the top and molt into the stage known as subimago or the sub-adult state. At this stage, just before it can fly, the young mayfly is vulnerable to predators. As a sub-adult, the mayfly is not able to mate or ...
They have smooth skin and can breathe through their skin. Think of frogs, toads, and salamanders. Fish: These aquatic creatures have fins and gills. They breathe underwater. Think of sharks, goldfish, and seahorses. Insects: These small creatures have six legs and a hard ou...