Animals is a music studio album recording by PINK FLOYD (Psychedelic/Space Rock/Progressive Rock) released in 1977 on cd, lp / vinyl and/or cassette. This page includes Animals's : cover picture, songs / tracks list, members/musicians and line-up, differ
The new mix illustrates the timelessness of all Pink Floyd music but the album itself is very much a product of a particular time and place: England in the mid-1970s, in the midst of social and political upheaval as well as the band’s ever-developing autonomy: creating under the auspices...
WhenPink FloydreleasedAnimalsin January 1977 amid the burgeoning punk movement. The band's 10th album is often described as the group's response to punk, but — intentionally or not — the atypically dark and aggressive album also lit the fuse for the eventual rise of melodic metal. ...
Pink Floyd View on AMAZON 43 20 votes Atomic Dog George Clinton View on AMAZON 44 20 votes Thirsty Dog Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds View on AMAZON 45 19 votes The Rat The Walkmen View on AMAZON 46 38 votes Cool for Cats Squeeze View on AMAZON 47 10 votes The Caterpillar The Cure Vi...
求学时期,他在周末的艺术课程中认识了其后成为Pink Floyd 主音兼吉他手的Syd Barrett。中学毕业后俩人分道扬镳,Roger Waters迁往伦敦并于Regent Street Polytechnic修 1225 rjw吧 kishor♂ 【1.4】rjwbug/错误/问题个人整合新版本是好的,但各个mod问题太多,难以顺利品鉴,故单开一贴记录个人游戏中所遇问题, 基本上...