1938年 《Animals of the Bible》,插画,凯迪克金奖 1941年 宾夕法尼亚美术学院艾尔奖章 1946年 国会图书馆奖 文字:Helen Dean Fish(1889—1953) 著名的童书作家,1938年,除了《Animals of the Bible》获凯迪克金奖,《Four and Twenty Blackbirds》获凯迪克银奖 主要作品与奖项 1938年 《Animals of the Bible》,...
绘本《Animals of the Bible 圣经中的动物(1938年凯迪克金奖)》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 Helen Dean Fish was both author and editor of many popular anthologies and picture books for children. Dorothy Lathrop began illustrating children’s books in 1919, and was awarded the first Randolph Caldecott Medal...
内容简介 Dorothy Lathrop's Animals of the Bible won the very firstCaldecott Medal when it was originally published in 1937. Now, inhonor of the sixtieth anniversary of this prestigious medal and itsfirst recipient, comes this special deluxe edition of Lathrop'saward-winning collection of some of...
Dorothy P. Lathrop's ANIMALS OF THE BIBLE first introduced children to the most memorable animals of the Old and New Testaments over sixty years ago, and her extraordinary book was awarded the very first Randolph Caldecott Medal for the most distinguished picture book for children. Now, in hono...
宗教文化纪录片《圣经中的动物 Animals Of The Bible》圣经中的动物出现在哪里?圣经里充满了动物的记载!从强大的狮子到温柔的鸽子,驴和驴子载着马利亚,但你知道圣经中提到了瞪羚吗?或者鲸鱼狮子蝎子。整个动物园都是特色。 圣经提到了来自中东不同地区的动物。例如,生活在炎热地区的鸵鸟和生活在巴勒斯坦周围无水地区...
宗教文化纪录片《圣经中的动物 Animals Of The Bible》圣经中的动物出现在哪里?圣经里充满了动物的记载!从强大的狮子到温柔的鸽子,驴和驴子载着马利亚,但你知道圣经中提到了瞪羚吗?或者鲸鱼狮子蝎子。整个动物园都是特色。 圣经提到了来自中东不同地区的动物。例如,生活在炎热地区的鸵鸟和生活在巴勒斯坦周围无水地区...
Animals of the Bible 圣经中的动物[精装][4岁及以上] 该商品已下柜,欢迎挑选其他商品! 相似商品推荐 加载中,请稍候... 相关分类 Science Fiction & Fantasy(科幻文学与玄幻) Children's Books(儿童图书) 小语种 Business & Investing(商业与投资)
According to the Book of Genesis, the food that God gave to human beings was "vegetable food - plants with seeds, namely grains and fruit". However, after Noah's flood, God gave human beings permission to eat meat, with some restrictions. The Book of Deuteronomy 12: 20-22 says as foll...
26 A firstling of animals, however, which as a firstling belongs to the Lord, cannot be consecrated by anyone; whether ox or sheep, it is the Lord’s. 利未记 27:26 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB) 26 “‘However, a man shall not consecrate a firstborn among livestock, which bel...