There are many kinds of animals.The elk is in the deer family.male elk have large antlers.elk are excellent swimmer and can run very fast. 有很多种动物。麋鹿属于鹿科。公麋鹿有大鹿角。麋鹿是优秀的游泳运动员,能跑得很快。 Giraffes are very tall...
根据第一段2 3行 laws were passed to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their fur.说明相关法律已经被通过了来保护狼,故C项正确。 2.D 细节题。根据文章2 3段A wolf naturally lives on animals in the deer family. If the wolves continue to kill large ...
Among the 34 species of deer, mouse deer and musk deer in China, 17 are under first or second class national protection. Technically, the mouse deer is no deer, but a little cousin to the deer family. It is under first class national protection in China. Photo ...
There are many kinds of animals. The elk is in the deer family. Male elk have large antlers. Elk can swim well and run very fast. ② Elephants are the largest land animals. Elephants have long trunks. They live in grasslands and forests. ...
Many species in the deer family, particularly white-tailed deer and moose in North America and red deer in Europe, browse(feed on) immature trees such as seedlings and saplings and in so doing curtail the regeneration of trees. In Scotland high numbers of red deer pose a particular problem...
The greater mouse deer breeds any time.Although not considered endangered, the greater mouse’s natural habitat is being destroyed at an alarming rate. Although extinct in Singapore, it can still be found in the dwindling forests of Borneo, Sumatra, Thailand, the Indonesian islands and the...
The elk is in the deer family. Male elk have large antlers. Elk are excellent swimmers and can run very fast. Animals, Animals • Level K 3 4 .sdnaldoow nepo dna sannavas ni evil seffariG .sdaeh rieht no snroh trohs dna seidob rieht revo lla stops evah seffariG .skcen gnol...
The muntjac deer is the oldest known member of the deer family. Fossil records indicate that the species must have come into existence over 30 million years ago. Very little is known about the ancestry of muntjacs. The earliest known deer-like creature is Protoceras. Protoceras did not have...
Antlers are found on members of the deer family, Cervidae, which includes animals such as elk, moose and reindeer. (The reindeer is the only female animal that grows antlers; in all other deer species, antlers are only found on males.) ...