A biome is a large geographic area with relative uniformity in its abiotic conditions as well as the plants and animals that live there. Aquatic biomes are characterized by their abiotic condition of being submerged in water.Answer and Explanation: It is impossible to list the exact number of a...
All the animals and plants that live in the same location make up a(n) A) biome. B) population. C) ecosystem. D) community. Biotic vs abiotic factors The term "biotic factor" simply refers to the living organisms present within an ecosystem (h...
Learn about the open ocean biome and study its climate. Explore marine biome animals and plants and understand varying differences in the marine...
These tiny strands convert the atmospheric nitrogen to consumable forms by other marine plants. The aquatic biome plants live in the seas, shores, and salt marshes. The Giant Kelp grows in colonies of the warm coastal waters, while the sea algae grow on the ice sheets. The role of marine ...
Why do animals travel in packs? Why is the tropical rainforest biome important? Why is the forest biome important? Why are plants important to the biosphere? Why are keystone species important for ecosystems? Why protect aquatic biodiversity?
Tropical rainforest biome is an ecology or ecosystem composed of mainly vegetation community where the trees are closely spaced, and the crowns interact with each other to result in an unbroken canopy of plants.
When you picture mangroves, you likely picture an aquatic ecosystem flooding with seawater and teeming with fish. It may surprise you, however, to learn that many different mammals utilize mangroves to find food. The playful river otter is quite at home in the water and has mastered the art ...
Coral Reef Animals are the most conspicuous component of coral reef life, occurring in truly astounding numbers and variety...
Answer and Explanation:1 Large mammals cannot store enough water and cannot tolerate the heat; thus, there is a fewer number of them in deserts. Furthermore, deserts... Learn more about this topic: Desert Biome Locations, Animals & Plants | What is Desert Biome Climate?
floor floods frequently in some places, leaving only animals adapted to the floods. The warm temperatures year round provide the right conditions for immensebiodiversity, or a large variety of species. In this particular climate, thetropical rainforest, insects, animals and even aquatic creatures ...