选择野生动物生成(Choose Wild Animal Spawns) mod | 环世界 这个mod是claustros modDisable Wild Animal Spawns的继任者。 主要区别是这个版本允许你按生物群落和动物来定义生成速率,而不是开关选择。 另一个区别是你可以修改任何动物,包括原版和mod动物。 还添加了一个用于定义生物群落整体动物密度的滑块。 还有一...
禁用野生动物生成(Disable Wild Animal Spawns) mod| 环世界 不会使用Harmony补丁禁用所有生物群系中所有选定的野生恐龙,巨型动物,神奇的动物园和原版动物产卵。 可以在mod选项菜单中进行选择: ✓指定该动物仅在定义为会产卵的生物群落上产卵,而不会在其他任何生物群落上产卵。 X表示该动物在任何生物群系上都被禁用...
publicstaticintgetTicksPerAnimalSpawns(){ returnserver.getTicksPerAnimalSpawns(); } 代码示例来源:origin: EngineHub/WorldGuard spawning.append("Animal Spawn Limit",server.getAnimalSpawnLimit()); spawning.append("Monster Spawn Limit",server.getMonsterSpawnLimit()); spawning.append("Ticks per Animal Spaw...
As the coronavirus pandemic has shown us, we’re also more susceptible to animal diseases. Approximately 75 percent of new and emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic diseases: spread to humans from animals. But this is less a story of animals causing harm to humans than human...
More poachers are pursuing their prey in local parks and bedroom communities that buffer natural habitats of prized game animals. Some poachers are said to be motivated by the money they could obtain from selling animal parts such as the gallbladders of black-bear....
Internet Spawns Pet Projects; Web Sites Help Animal Shelters Increase Their AdoptionsCarrie Donovan