Sinhala 🇱🇰 Slovenian 🇸🇮 Spanish 🇪🇸 Swedish 🇸🇪 Turkish 🇹🇷 Vietnamese 🇻🇳 All languages were translated or contributed by you, our amazing community with the odd exception of using Google Translate. Languages can be selected and / or added in the
Sinhala 🇱🇰 Slovenian 🇸🇮 Spanish 🇪🇸 Swedish 🇸🇪 Turkish 🇹🇷 Vietnamese 🇻🇳 All languages were translated or contributed by you, our amazing community with the odd exception of using Google Translate. If you happen to find any incorrect translations or would ...
Thank you toAlbertThePrince. While we may have our differences, you have fixed some underlying issues with the menu which have bothered me for many years. I just wish things didn't end up this way and that people could have contributed meaningful pull requests, however, I guess with everyt...
Sinhala 🇱🇰 Spanish 🇪🇸 Swedish 🇸🇪 Turkish 🇹🇷 Vietnamese 🇻🇳 All languages were translated or contributed by you, our amazing community with the odd exception of using Google Translate. If you happen to find any incorrect translations or would like to add more languages,...
Sinhala 🇱🇰 Spanish 🇪🇸 Swedish 🇸🇪 Turkish 🇹🇷 Vietnamese 🇻🇳 All languages were translated or contributed by you, our amazing community with the odd exception of using Google Translate. If you happen to find any incorrect translations or would like to add more la...
Albanian, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese ...