It features sidebars of fascinating facts and easy-to-understand diagrams of key statistics. Open for Debate introduces future public policy thinkers to both sides of twenty-first-century, life-and-death concerns.Karen JudsonMarshall Cavendish Benchmark...
Overcrowding causing the death of close to 3 million animals is a sobering fact. Sadly, when shelters become overcrowded, they have to make room for more animals being brought in. Spaying and neutering your pet is vital in an effort to decrease this number. Image Credit: Mimzy, Pixabay ...
Finland and Ireland managed to lower number. On the other hand, statistics make it clear that countries like Sweden, Spain and Greece almost doubled their use of animals for testing. In Europe, there is a lot of public support for ban on animal testing. On the contrary, statistics show th...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which inspects facilities for AWA compliance, compiles annual statistics on animal testing, but only include data on the small percentage of animals subject to the Act. [1][2][26][28][135] Even the animals protected by the AWA are mistreated. ...
and a torn heart forced to watch as bobcats and other wild creatures have been made to endure intense confinement and the inevitable fate of a horrendous death at the hands of those who seek to profit from their skins. Fur-farming is a truly despicable industry, and the neck-breaking, rib...
Between Life and Death “The time will come when man such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”~Leonardo Da Vinci Animal testing a heartless display of inhumane humans all around the world. The money and the use of animal testing mostly ...
AnimalAbuseWhen he was only ten weeks old Oogy the dog was tied to a stake and used as bait to train fighting dogs . A pitbul came and tore most of his ear off and crushed part of his jaw. Oogy was left to bleed nearly to death until the police came to rescue him‚ he was ...
(Animal Testing, 2015). Everyone agrees that animals are used for research. Some people believe that it is unethical treatment of animals, while others believe that animal testing is necessary for the advancement of improving human health. (People for the, 2014). Experimentation on animals is ...
So let’s look at the big picture. We know mosquitos can be fatal, but just how fatal? Comparatively, they are even more deadly to mankind than mankind itself; homicide claims 475,000 people every year, but that’s only half the mosquito death toll. ...
We see it as less of a tragedy than the death of a being who is future-oriented, and whose desires to do things in the medium- and long-term future will therefore be thwarted if he or she dies.[13] But this is not a defense of speciesism, for it implies that killing a self-...