Nooden, Lars. Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology. Michigan: University of Michigan, 1992. 3 Sept. 2004. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. Noodén, L., (1992) Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology. A paper for Religion 375 at the University of Michigan....
Sheep & Ram as Celtic Animal Symbols In Celtic mythology Sheep are tied to the Goddess Brigit who presides over healing, motherhood, midwifery and the element of fire, particularly the hearth of the home. Sheep & Ram Dreams Dreaming of Sheep, Ram, or Lambs may warn that you are easil...
Learn about rabbit symbolism, rabbit meanings & the rabbit spirit animal. Plus hare & bunny symbolism, rabbit folklore, mythology & dreams...
In Celtic mythology, dragons have associations with the underworld, and they are fierce and dangerous creatures that you should avoid at all costs. In Native American mythology, dragons are usually associated with water. They can change their shape and size at will and often take on the form o...
Learn about fox symbolism, fox meaning and the fox spirit animal. Plus, fox spiritual meaning, fox dreams, fox power animal, totem and tattoo.
The symbolism and meaning of the Owl begins in nature and mythology. Out in the wild Owl flies silently and has keen night vision. As a Spirit Animal this translates into the Owl providing us with great insights into mysteries and the ability to traverse awkward situations without a great dea...
According to Celtic mythology, the wolf symbolism paints a picture of keen intelligence, balanced manner, and determination. The spiritual significance of the wolf indicates that these animals appear as spirit guides, helpers, healers, and teachers. One legend is that Cormac Mac Airt, one of the...
Unicorn as a Celtic Animal Symbol Unicorn Spirit shines in Celtic myth and lore. In Scotland, it holds a special place in the hearts of the people who consider it their national animal. They consider the symbolism and meaning of the Unicorn to be that of healing, happiness, purity, innocenc...
Brave: “The Bear and the Bow”: Bear Mythology Having just watched the Disney / Pixar movie Brave, I’m pondering the vaguely Scottish-Irish-Celtic-European mythology and motifs buried in this film. There’s a lot of bear + mother goddess symbolism which I find fascinating. ...
In Celtic beliefs, a flock of geese symbolism equates to harmony and peace, as white geese spread a sense of tranquility wherever they go. These majestic creatures also showcase a deep connection with their fellow feathered companions, showcasing their capacity to cooperate and communicate effective...