A total of 2810 normal lactation records of Friesian cow belonging to Animal Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt during the period from 2002 to 2007 were used. Single and two traits analysis of fertility and milk yield traits was investigated as a method to estimate...
In ancient Egypt, the cat was ritualistically cherished as a temple and fetish animal. In old Germanic mythology, the cat was regarded as a symbol of fertility. However, by the Late Middle Ages, the cat had been transformed into a demonic creature and a symbol of sin. This article offers...
Many of us have heard the phrase “breeding like rabbits.” Indeed, the rabbit is a long-standing symbol of fertility. They get this reputation for a few reasons. One, a rabbit can begin having babies when they’re as young as two months old. And two, they have a gestation period tha...
In ancient Egypt and in Egyptian mythology, geese were regarded as sacred animals, bringing a different light to the spiritual interpretation of geese. They were commonly associated with various gods and believed to be asymbol of peace and goodwill. Geese were used as offerings to Egyptian gods ...
Thus Mouse can serve as a reminder that things aren’t always what they seem and that just when it comes to meting out justice, it is important to see all the details of the full picture before jumping to conclusions. Mouse also serves as a symbol of the frivolous and the power of pla...
Bunnies have big-time cultural import in the realm of animal symbolism. From fertility toluck, longevity to motherhood – there’s no shortage of wisdom the rabbit offers. In terms of partnering with Spring, bunnies are bounding with themes like: Creativity, Renewal, Procreation, and Magic. Spri...
Thus, snakes are representative of the ability for the mind to move from the conscious (land) to the subconscious (water) and back. So, the snake is an excellent symbol to represent an area of your life that you would like to better understand on a subconscious level and to renew. This...
Because successful agriculture depends on rain to make crops grow. And so, the frog is among the list of good luck symbols. It’s also a lucky symbol in matters of fertility, transformation and travel. Have you ever wondered why certain fasteners on Chinese influenced jackets are called frogs...
In China, during the Han Dynasty, people worshipped Bears. This symbol was so potent that Bear became a Totem Animal for the country. Panda Bears arewell-known in this region, and people regard them asa symbol of prosperity, plenty, taking life slow and putting ourselves to more than one...
Among the Hebrews, the word for Stork means “Kind Mother.” The Hebrews saw the tenderness in Stork parenting. They made the Stork a symbol of gentle nurturing. In Norse myths, there is a Stork King. He appears in northern fables by the name of Hoeir; this King has the power to ...