The veterinary team at Vancouver Animal Emergency & Referral Centre in Vancouver, BC has specialized expertise in Internal Medicine. Learn more here.
Vancouver Animal Emergency & Referral Centre provides specialty veterinary care for your pets. We're committed to caring for life's greatest companions.
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR HAVING MY PET REFERRED TO YOUR PRACTICE FOR A SPECIALTY APPOINTMENT (NON-EMERGENCY)? Typically, your family veterinarian will begin the referral conversation. If he or she feels your pet would benefit from a visit to one of our specialty departments, your veterinarian ca...
Kristen - Kristen, one of our technicians, has extensive experience with animals. Before joining AERC in April 2005, she worked for eight years in daytime
The staff at VCA Animal Specialty & Emergency Center is made up of dedicated individuals who help pets in Los Angeles, CA live long, healthy lives
Cincinnati Animal Referral & Emergency L'aiguillage des animaux de Cincinnati et; Événements soudains Cincinnati animal referral and; Emergencia Referência Animal de Cincinnati &Emergência цинцинциннатифауны;Чрезвычайнаяситуация سين...
At Animal Specialty & Emergency Center of Brevard, providing reliable emergency veterinary care to the dogs, cats, reptiles, and exotic pets of Melbourne, FL is our passion.
At Animal Emergency & Referral Associates, our veterinarians are dedicated to providing high-quality pet care to the dogs and cats of the West Caldwell, NJ community.
For emergency situations, we direct emergencies to the Animal Emergency and Referral Center or the University of TN. Please review ouremergenciespage for more information. What methods of payment are accepted? We accept all major credit cards, cash, and checks. We also accept (and can help you...
Complete a Referral Form Choose an applicable referral form, complete and submit. 2 Provide Records Email or fax pertinent medical records. 3 Schedule Appointment You or your client can contact us to schedule an appointment. VCA Animal Specialty & Emergency Center ...