Protect your food and gear during camping trips and outdoor recreation. Armored Outdoor Gear manufactures steel mesh bags for durable rodent-resistant storage.
Divided 304 Stainless Steel Food Containers Food Preservation Lunch Box Leak Proof US$2.50-4.00 / Piece Outdoor Egg Tank Folding Damp Proof Mat Thickened Portable Camping Mat US$3.80-5.40 / Piece Kitchen Garlic Press Dishwasher Safe Garlic Mincer Durable Crusher U...
100PCS/Box Nitrile Exam Gloves Non-Sterile Food Safe Cleaning Disposable Glove US$2.30-2.88 / box PU Leather Spice Bag with 4 Spice Jar for Hiking Picnic Barbecue US$3.70-4.30 / Piece 8-9-10PCS Set Airtight Food Storage Containers with Lids Ki...
or put food and water bowls inside the pen. it measures 40.5” high, 40.5” wide, and 86.5” long so is plenty spacious for a small animal. plus, it is relatively lightweight (47 pounds) so is moveable around your yard. this pen dissembles and folds flat for storage. : indoor / ...